Wednesday, August 31, 2005

How Fast Can Typical Boxers Run the Mile? What Running Conditioning do They Do?

How Fast Can Typical Boxers Run the Mile?

How fast can boxers at the college or better levels run the mile? How fast would you have to run the mile in order to be able to run the mile at the same pace that they can run the mile?

The answer to the problem is complicated by the fact that boxers do not usually run just one mile at a time; rather, boxers typically run, averaging out the info I found on the internet, 4.8 miles non-stop. Yet still you can calculate how fast they would run a mile, if you have an understanding of to what extent pace slows down when longer distances are run.

My estimate is that the typical boxer at the college or better level is able to run a mile in 6 minutes 14 seconds.

Some times for miles for boxers I found on the internet:

3 miles 18:16 (5:36/mile)
6-7 minutes per mile (6.5 minutes/mile)
2 miles in 12 minutes or less (5:35/mile)
2 miles 15 minutes (6:58/mile)
4 miles 32 minutes (7:02/mile)
8 miles separately 5-6 minutes each (5:00/mile)
6 miles 45 minutes (6:36/mile)
6 miles 40 minutes army boots (5:52) (M Ali)
4-4.5 miles 40-50 minutes 4.25 miles 45 minutes (9:19)
7-8 miles 50-70 minutes 7.5 miles 60 minutes (6:48)
5 miles 30 min (5:10/mile)
3.75 miles 30 min (7:02)
2 miles 15 minutes (7:16) (bruce lee)
6 miles 45 minutes (6:36) (bruce lee)
long runs 36-72 minutes
7 miles 45 minutes (5:28)

The controversy continues to rage with boxing as with other sports, as to whether boxers should run distances such as a mile or longer, or should instead run shorter sprints broken up by short rests. On the one hand you have the modernist reformist who consider long distance runs a waste of time, and talk about aerobic and anaerobic and use other such scientific terms. On the other side you have the traditionalists who point to how all the greatest boxers were also long distance runners.

Seems to me that much of the confusion in the debate stems from the fact that there is variance in terms of how many rounds boxing contests continue for. For example, Olympic boxing Contests do not go on for as many rounds as professional ones.

My notes re this boxers running miles:

Interval Sprints Training for Boxers

Info regarding what kind of running conditioning running sprints of less than a mile competitive boxers at the college or higher levels engage in is hard to find on the internet--looks like if you really want to understand such matters you will have to buy a video or a DVD or a book. Nevertheless, I can present a rough idea of what the internet info shows regarding this kind of conditioning.

Controversy rages regarding what kinds of sprints should be run. The longest sprints Holyfield ran while getting into the best condition of his life, were 40 yard dashes. On the other hand most of the boxing fitness authorities on the internet advise running sprints of up to 800 meters at intervals. The general consensus is that what kind of such sprints are run can vary with the individual.

Those advocating that boxers should regularly sprint up to 800 meters, tend to deride those who advocate long distance running, on the grounds that exertion of the long distance running type is not a part of a typical boxing match. Those who do not believe in either long distance running or sprints of up to 800 meters, consider both long distance running and also such sprints to be too different from the kind of exertions a boxer makes in a boxing match.

A Typical Average Running Conditioning Program for Boxers

Judging from the info I could find, a typical average running conditioning program for high level competitive boxers would be as follows:

Long distance running:
Run 4.8 miles in 35 minutes--do this 6 days in a week if you want to be like the famous boxers of old, do it 3 days in a week if you want to get modern.

Interval sprints training routine
Perform 3 days in a week on days when not running long distance:
jog 1 mile
sprint 400m
rest 1 minute
sprint 400m
rest 1 minute
sprint 400 m
rest 12 minutes
sprint 800m
rest 1 minute
sprint 800m
rest 1 minute
jog 1/2 mile to cool down

Sprints Conditioning Routines for boxers I found on the internet:

1-mile warm-up
6 x 600 meters - 1 minute rest period between each interval
800 meter cool down - light jog

1-mile warm-up
2 x 800 meters - 1 minute rest between intervals
4 x 400 meters - 1 minute rest between intervals
4 x 200 meters - 30 second rest between intervals
800 meter cool down - light jog

45 secs rest between each

200 dashes

10x80 jogging 80 between each

warm up 1/2
6x400, meters rest amount of time it takes to sprint 400

2x400 meters rest time it takes to sprint

20 secs jogging
2o secs running
20 secs sprinting all in 2 minutes
rest 1 minute repeat 4x

6x880 rest 1 minute between each
t morrison could do this

1 mile warm up jog
1 min rest
800 m x 2
1 min rest
1 min rest
400m x 4
jog 800 m

My notes regarding sprints conditioning for boxers:

@2005 David Virgil Hobbs

Sunday, August 28, 2005

How Fast Wrestlers Can Run the Mile, the Kind of Endurance Conditioning Work They Do

Competitive wrestlers at high school and college levels regularly go on runs of at least a mile. Apparently the general is that the coach considers that they should be able to run 2 miles in 15 minutes, 7:30 per mile, which extrapolates out to 6:58 for 1 mile (see notes linked to at bottom of page).

Although wrestlers do go on runs of a mile and over, the wrestling world generally considers wrestling to be an anaerobic sport, and so is suspicious of those who are enthusiastic regarding long distance running as a way of conditioning for wrestling. However the wrestling world does believe in aerobic long distance running as a way of "warming up", conditioning to help the body deal with the anaerobic type training they are enthusiastic about, and as a way to help the body recover from anaerobic exertion--such revcovery is said to occur aerobically.

What is surprising is that there is this belief in the wrestling world, that jogging or running designed to build aerobic endurance, must go on for at least 15 minutes at a stretch if such running is to produce improvements in aerobic endurance. The idea is that the heart rate must be gotten up to 150 beats per minute for 15 minutes if real improvements are to be produced. This idea is kind of shocking to me because I have dreamed up this idea that a good way to train is to alternate walking a mile with running a mile (they call such training "Fartlek" training). Seems there is some possibility that the heart beats per minute could stay up around 150 when alternating walking miles with running miles.

Mile times for Wrestling Conditioning Found on the Internet:

2 miles in 15 minutes
4 miles in 30 minutes preparing for amateur No Holds Barred Wrestling
2 miles in 15 minutes found second time

What the wrestling world considers to be more important than running long distance, is running designed to improve anaerobic as opposed to aerobic capacity. The anaerobic endurance building running routines used be wrestlers vary widely, but I have attempted to sort of average them out (hey averaging out several different recipes for a given dish has produced great results for me in cooking). Judging from the info I found on the internet, the jogging-running-sprinting in the typical or average wrestling conditioning routine should be as follows three days per week:

A: 2 mile run in 15 minutes
B: sprint 220 yds, jog 150 yds until cycle completed 12 times
C: sprint 150 yds 10 times with 50 second breaks (not standing still) in between sprints

Some anaerobic endurance training routines for wrestling I found on the internet:

long distance
jog/stride alternates 200 each
intervals 120-220 rest 30-90 secs

2 miles 15 minutes
sprint 30 jog 20 alternating 10-20 times
sprint 1 min jog 2 on down to jog 1

1.5 mile run, 1-2 min rest
5 300-400 yd sprints minute rest
50-100 sprints 5-10 x 15 sec rest
2-3 50 yd piggyback walks

5 min jump rope
2 mile run
followed immediately with 10 100 yd sprints 15 secs rest

run 150 yds jog 20 secs, repeat 30x
sprint minute rest minute
55 yd sprint avg, 20x, twice

50, 100, 200, 400 sprints

180 yd sprint 6x
120 yd sprints 8x 1x 2x breaks 30-60 sec breaks

Notice how with the wrestling training routines the sprints average out to about 150 yards, and with the tennis and football training they averaged out to about 100 yards. I realize I am not a specialist, however, when does a high school or college or Olympic wrestler sprint 150 yards? "Us college wrestlers hafta sprint 150 yards, yo' know. We face some purdy mean tough opponents, so, when someone we is wrestlin' gits angry, we hafta be able t'sprint outta th' wrestlin' area, an' right outta th' dore of th' buildin' jest t'survive. Whuffo' yestiddy one of our wrestlers narrowly excaped serious injury by sprintin' outta th' arena an' into a po-lice car...hey it's th' conservative way, we knows how t'consarve our bodies..."

Seriously, seems to me that conditioning for wrestling should involve repetition of the kind of movements wrestlers make when they are on the wrestling mat. If I was a wrestling coach, I would produce physical endurance in my wrestlers, by having them wrestle someone or many someones one after the other, someones who are several weight classes below them, for an extended period of time. For the wrestlers at the lighter weight classes you could probably dig up significantly weaker volunteers somewhere.

My notes on wrestling conditioning:

@2005 David Virgil Hobbs

@2005 David Virgil Hobbs

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Mile Runs, Sprint Intervals, and Tennis

I estimate that competitive men's tennis players at the college or better levels, can run the mile in 5 minutes and 48 seconds. According to an internet report pro soccer players can run two miles in 12 minutes which equates to a mile in 5:35. According to Horwill at (see notes linked to below in this post) soccer and tennis are twins in terms of the percentage of the energy required that is generated via ATP-PC & LA (anaerobic) as opposed to LA & O2 (anaerobic) as opposed to O2 alone (aerobic). According to's%20Tennis%20workouts.htm collegiate level men's tennis players should be able to run 5 miles in 35 minutes, which equates out to, allowing for a slower pace over 5 miles as compared to over 1, a 6:01 time in the mile.

The controversy rages with regards to tennis training, as it does with regards to training for American football, as to whether mile runs are a good idea. Those opposed to runs of a mile or longer are in favor of using interval sprint training as a way of conditioning tennis players--but many of these anti-mile-run types still advocate the use of a mile jog as a warm-up.

If tennis and soccer really are twins when it comes to the type of energy expenditures that are made in the sport, the sprint interval training used for soccer might work well for tennis and vice versa.

Some Interval Sprint Tennis Training Routines I Found on the Net:

1 minute run, 1 minute walk 20 reps; then 30 second sprint 1 minute walk 10 reps

jog 1 minute sprint 10 seconds jog 1 minute

70% of training 4 x 4 x 200 in 30 secs with 90 secs recovery
20% of training 5 x 600 in 105 secs with 210 secs rest
10% of training 3 x 1 mile fast (4.5-5.5 mins)

50 to 100 meters, with a 30- to 60-second breather between each set.

5x200, 200 jog as rest; 5x100, 100 jog as rest; 5x50, 50 walk as rest; 5x20, 20 walk as rest

Sort of averaging out all these sprints interval training routines for tennis, I now estimate that an average typical sprints intervals training routine for tennis would be as follows:

Set is: sprint 100 yards, rest 1 minute, repeat 4 times; do four sets; rest between sets till pulse reaches 130 or rest about 12 minutes between sets. Do this 3 times per week.

Personally I do not understand why the sprints are so long in this kind of interval training. Seems tennis players never actually run the distances run in the interval sprints fitness programs designed for tennis. My personal idea of what such a program for tennis should be, is more like:

sprint 5 paces walk 2 seconds,
sprint 10 paces walk 4 seconds,
sprint 15 paces walk 6 seconds,
sprint 20 paces walk 8 seconds,
A SET: 15 reps
Rest (walking) between sets: 12 minutes

My Notes RE Tennis, mile runs, and conditioning:

Friday, August 26, 2005

Conditioning for American Football, a mid-level Sport in terms of Endurance Requirements

So in summary my estimates of mile time ability in minutes or maybe and mile time requirement in minutes for players in various sports in competition levels such as college and above are as follows:

Soccer 5.63 (five point six three minutes); basketball 6.0; tennis (simply estimated to be similar to basketball) 6.25; football 6.75; baseball 7.25; and track sports, 6.50. Thus the average for these 6 sports is 6.40. The two sports closest to this average are tennis and football. Thus for me now the best starting point for understanding conditioning for these sports in general is football, since right now the estimate for tennis is a mere guess and I know little as of now about conditioning for tennis. Seems that to get into some kind of acceptable shape for these sports in general, you would want to get into the kind of shape acceptable for football players.

The pamphlet describing the training regimen for the U of Cincinatti Bearcats football team is online. Seems that what they reccommend, as a form of training if would be players are to pass their dreaded Interval Sprinting Conditioning Test, is, sprinting "intervals". An "interval" is sprinted by dashing the width of the football field (53.33 yards), touching the sideline, then dashing back to the other sideline covering a total of 106.7 yards.
For example for receivers, defensive backs, tailbacks and quarterbacks they recommend a set of ten intervals be run in 16 seconds each with rests of 35 seconds between the running of each "interval", followed after an extended rest by another such set of ten "intervals", this time each set being run in 17 seconds with a 45 second rest between the running of each "interval". This routine if you would be able to do it, would take you 160+350+170+450=1130=18.83 minutes to finish.

See my notes regarding this topic at:

The Typical Wind Sprints Training Routine

Sprinting for short distances with rests in between each sprint, has been ballyhooed as superior to say running a mile, when it comes to conditioning for many sports. Regardless of how good such wind sprints are for conditioning, undoubtedly sports such as baseball, soccer, football and to a lesser extent basketball put a premium on speed, which is said to be developed through such wind sprints.

I looked at three wind-sprints broken up with rests between them type sprinting routines, you can find this sprint routines on my notes page linked to below. I did not use the "M drill" listed on this notes page for the averages I calculated because the "M drill" does not involve straight line sprinting. I felt like most people would need a specialized translator to unravel exactly what the jock-guru in question is trying to say. The average of the average distance sprinted in each of the routines was 28.4 yards. The average of the average rest between sprint reps in each of the three routines was 3 minutes. The average rest between sets was 16 minutes. The average The average of the average total reps was 13. The average number of sets in the workouts was 2. The average number of days worked out per week was 3.

Thus if I was to now produce an average interval sprint training workout, it would be as follows:

Sprint 30 meters or yards, rest 3 minutes...repeat this four 16 the 4 30 yard or meter sprints with the 3 minutes of rest in between 16 the 4 30 meter or yard sprints again with the 3 minutes of rest in between each sprint...finished!

Notes re the average wind sprints routine:

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A witch, the Exxon red-head, drums, Jenny, Linda, Spanky, Steve M, my brother, my poems, my boyhood friend, my custom bathroom -- dreams

Dreams I have had since last reported. There were plenty of segments that I could not remember.

In another dream, I saw this witch; the witch was tall, about six feet five inches tall, shoulder length wavy black hair, sort of huddling in an overcoat, wearing a hat, dressed in women's clothing--I got the feeling that this witch was a Caucasian man dressed like a woman or resembled such a man to the point of having a mannish face--but I did not get a look at the face I only saw part of the face. From the body which was built like a strong male and posture I guess, it was a witch that was a man in women's clothes. I saw as a matter of fact in real life a transvestite on Moody Street. This witch was terrorizing and killing these people who lived near each other in rooms in rooming houses and in apartments. I saw the redheaded woman I ran into at the Exxon gas station in the distance I saw her face near and or amongst these rooms and rooming houses. She was smiling, her face was the face of an intelligent person. She was part of the group that was being terrorized by the witch. My lock was being removed from my door in this area of rooms and apartments because my stay in this area of rooms and apartments was coming to an end apparently because I was moving on to better things like owning places I live in.

In some dream segment I was playing a Drum set with the foot base pedal and cymbals and all, but the pedals were operating sluggishly wearing out my feet.

In some other dream segment I saw Jenny A. Her face looked like a clown's face, her lips looked like wide tubular smiling clown's lips.

In another dream I could'nt get to talk to Linda S (the one who charmed me in a previous dream when she said she was still pretty), she was sitting at what looked like classy pik-nik tables with these people. She was being unfriendly and would not let me talk to her. Her eyes were not as they are in real life. They were big and circular like a half dollar and white, her hair was straight and yellow and middle length as it sometimes is in real life.

In some other segment Spanky and also Steve M. who I went to high school and college with, and myself, all had these cars that looked like old race cars that were little. The cars were all parked side by side. Something was wrong with their cars, wires were sticking out of them in profusion as components were removed and added, but seemed there was nothing wrong with my car.

It was early morning or late evening. There was a big white hospital, about 70 feet high, and about 170 feet long, and about 70 feet wide. Around it there were curving, light brown colored sidewalks and green lawns. Looking at the hospital from about fifty yards away, I could see a big sliding window in what was to my eye the upper right corner of the hospital, on about the fifth floor. This window was about five feet high and about ten feet wide. I could see my brother's head at the bottom of the window. I shouted up to him, that I did not want to be forced to see his face, and did not want to be forced to hear his voice. I followed the curving brown sidewalk around a corner. To my left was a building similar to the hospital, in the same style as the hospital, white, with thick walls, that curved slightly at the corners and the edges in an artistic but space-age way, the way a building carved in ice cream would look. But this one was about 20 feet high, and about 70 yards square; it was wide and low. This building to my left had these people walking around in it. One of these people that walked around in this building was created every time someone read one of the Poetic Prayers I had in real life written. This wide low building was a charming pleasant building it had a large lobby on the ground floor with stairs or escalators leading up to the upper floor from areas near the middle of the building. I began running on the sidewalk that was to the side of this long low building. I had bounce and spring in my steps and was decidedly running on the BALLS of my feet not on the toes as track sprinting coaches generally recommend

In another dream, I was in a large lobby in a building walking side by side with my boyhood friend Michael G, who is now a doctor and ALSO I guess a lawyer. I was able to mellow out with him this time we met, seemed because he did not try too hard to be a scintillating conversationalist or a hilarious humorist or a zealous motivational speaker. Compared to last time I had seen him, his hair was longer, though not womanish, straight as before, and a brown color lighter than the last time I had seen him. His face was smoother and fleshier than the last time I had seen him, more womanish without being womanish you might say, younger looking, less hard and bony looking. This time he was not wearing spectacles. He wore a collarless long sleeved shirt of the same material T-shirts are made from, which was gray with on the front a large design containing maybe some letters I could not read from my point of view in the dream. This design was brown in background with yellow in the foreground such as I have been using in my HTML emails.

In another dream a bathroom was being built just the way I wanted it for a room in a large one story living space that I owned in a tall building. My living space must have been at least one half of a big floor, it was spacious but just one story, it was a few stories off the ground. But the bathroom was being put together just the way I wanted it, it was being put together in the corner of a fenced green lawn on the ground. The bathtub they were putting together for me in the corner of the lawn was long, maybe around 12 feet long, and narrow, maybe about two feet wide. In the middle in two spaces the bathtub became like a round circle larger than the narrowness that it usually was. I was lying in the tub trying it out for size. This tub was like a hammock, restful like a hammock, but it was also a bathtub.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Running and Marching Speeds Required for Sports, Military

The word is that when you get to the point where you can walk at 4 mph, you are ready to begin jogging.

Mile-Run Speed Requirement in Soccer

The running fitness/training rate of pro soccer players is 10 mph, 6 minutes per mile, for 2 miles. Looking at the world records in the one mile compared to the two mile (see notes) I calculate that 12 minutes for 2 miles is the equivalent of 5:38 for 1 mile.

How Fast Should You Be Able to Run a Mile to Play Competitive Basketball?

As best as I can tell, a mile time of about six minutes is the what is required in a basketball player who hopes to play at the high school or above level. For very large heavy player such as centers a mile run in seven minutes might be tolerable, but players of more normal size such as guards, should be able to run the mile in six minutes or less if they wish to compete at the high school or better levels. My personal opinion is that coaches exaggerate the extent to which a player should be able to run a mile fast--players can be substituted in and out of games--but there you have it seems the six minute mile is the magic number for not just soccer but also for football.

How fast a player can run a mile, is supposed to be an old-fashioned way of judging whether a Basketball player is in shape. Supposedly new approaches, such as how fast a player can run wind sprints with rests between, and how fast a player can sprint a zig zag course, are better when it comes to judging how fast a Basketball player should be able to run a mile. But what the critics do'nt understand, is that the coaches who are not into using the mile run as way of judging what shape a player is in and as a way of conditioning players, all use approaches that are different from each other--it's like the Tower of Babel--so the problem becomes that it is hard to get a sense of consensus amongst the coaches who are into the wind sprints and the zig zag running etc as to what kind of time over what kind of distance is a good indicator of basketball fitness. What the anti-mile-run coaches do'nt understand, is that people and athletes are not into basketball alone; they are into basketball, and then they are also into running for general conditioning, and then they are also into soccer (called football outside the US) and so forth. Thus what is needed is for example, how the level of fitness expected for a pro soccer player (for the mile, 6 minutes) compares with the level of fitness expected for a basketball player in terms of minutes per mile.

How Fast Can Football & Baseball Players & Sprinters Run a Mile? How Fast Should They Be Able to Run it?

How fast players in various sports can run or are required to run gives you an idea of fitness levels of those play fiven sports at a high level--even if such fitness levels are not required to play these sports fairly well, even if excellence in the race (mile) used to measure the fitness level does not correlate well with excellence in the given sport, and even if putting time and energy into improving performance in the race (mile) used to measure the fitness level is not a smart move when it comes to improving in a given sport.

In football, the mile run speeds vary considerably depending on the position the player plays, and the individual characteristics of the player. Football coaches and players like wind-sprints with rest intervals much more as a way of measuring and promoting football fitness.

Yet I would guess that if you could run a mile in 7 minutes you would be running the mile as fast as your average football player at the college or better level can. I would guess taht if you ran the mile in 6:30 you would be in tems of runnning the mile, in the kind of shape (mile-wise) college-or-above level track sprinters and football players in the running positions such as running back need to be in and/or are in. My guess is that with regards to baseball, is that if you can run the mile in 7.5 minutes you are running the mile at the speed college-or-above baseball pitchers can run it in, and if you can run the mile in 7 minutes you can run at the speed baseball players who are not pitchers at the colleve-or-above level can run it in.

If you want to get in shape for ping pong, you had better be able to run the mile in 10 minutes, according to an internet source.

Some statements re mile speeds in various sports found on the internet:

Sprinters said to run mile in 5-6 minutes
9:48 said a "good time" in Cowboys pro football "Landry Mile" (1.5 miles), which I estimate equates to 6:20 mile
Many pro football players said to be poor milers
Football star Earl Campbell failed 6 minute mile run test repeatedly with Houston Oilers
Baseball star Julio Franco runs 7 minute mile
Pro baseball pitchers required to run 7.5 minute mile
College football hb anecdote 5:05 mile
college football fb anecdote 6:30 mile said to be good for fullback
sprinters said to be as fit as endurance athletes
Track coach recommends 6:30 as mile pace for HS boy sprinters
2 mile run in 16-20 minutes advised for HS football players this equates to 7:30 mile
table tennis mile, 10 minute mile

Marching/walking and running speed fitness levels for military and sports

Reported walking/marching speeds: Israeli Paras, WWII Darby Rangers, 8.7 minutes per mile, 6.9 mph over ten miles; modern US "forced march", 4.8 mph, 12.5 minutes per mile; modern US speed capability of those who are truly "all that they can be", 6 mph, 10 minutes per mile, over 6 miles carrying 35+ lbs of weight; ancient Roman "military gradu" regular march, 2.76 mph, 21.7 minutes per mile; ancient Roman quick march, 3.3 mph; modern US regular march circa 1900, 2.8 mph, 21.4 minutes per mile; modern US quick march circa 1900, 3.4 mph, 17.6 minutes per mile; civil war infantry route (15-20 miles) marching, 2.5 mph, 24 minutes per mile; civil war cavalry route (15-20 miles) marching, 6 mph, 10 minutes per mile; modern US Army trained infantry average (over 20 miles) 2.5 mph, 24 minutes per mile; French Foreign Legion "hard marching" pace, WWI Italian Elite Bersaglieri marching pace, 3.1 mph, 19.4 minutes per mile; WWI Elite Italian Bersaglieri Special Marching pace, 4.4 mph, 13.6 minutes per mile; modern USMC "normal" marching pace, 2.5 mph; Napoleonic Era French Infantry, 3 mph, 20 min per mile; ancient Roman Quick March, 3.3 mph, 18 minutes per mile; modern UK Sea Cadets quick time, 3.3 mph; modern UK Sea Cadets double time march, 6.1 mph, 9.8 minutes per mile; US WWI infantry average, 2.5 mph, 24 minutes per mile; US WWI infantry quick time, 3.4 mph, 17.6 minutes per mile; US WWI infantry double quick time, 6.1 mph, 9.8 minutes per mile; WWI cavalry walk, 4 mph, 15 minutes per mile; WWI cavalry trot, 8 mph, 7.5 minutes per mile; WWI cavalry gallop, 12 mph, 5 minutes per mile; modern normal US marching speed, 3.4 mph, 17.6 minutes; British Royal Guards marching speed 4 mph, 15 minutes per mile; me, six miles on hilly roads: Aug 21 2005, 3.5 mph, 17.2 minutes per mile; Aug 23, 3.6 mph, 16.7 minutes per mile.

There is some disagreement amongst the various internet sources regarding the exact speeds of Common, Quick, and Double Quick Time marching. It appears that: the speed of common time marching in the American Civil War was 28 inch paces, 90 paces a minute for a speed of 2.4 mph; the speed of quick time marching in the American Civil War was 28 inch paces, 110 paces a minute for a speed of 2.9 mph; the speed of double quick time marching in the American Civil War was 33 inch paces, 165-180 paces per minute, for a speed of 5.2-5.7 miles per hours.

There is apparently a surprising level of confusion regarding what military quick time and double quick times speeds should be in the 2005 AD era.

Quick time march / regular time march, ratio
ancient roman 3.3 / 2.8 118
US civil war 2.9 /2.4 121
1900 US 3.4/ 2.8 121
WWI US infantry quick time 3.4 / 2.5 136

The ratio of the quick march speed to the regular or common speed in the ancient Roman army was 118-100. In the US civil war the ratio was 121-100, in 1900 AD era US 121-100, and in the WWI US infantry 136-100. Thus this ratio grew by 15 points from 1900 to 1915, while having remained almost constant from ancient Roman to 1900 AD times. 90 years have elapsed since 1915 AD so you could say that the ratio of quick time to regular or common time should now be 136+90=226. On the other hand they ratio held constant for thousands of years. Thus as a quick estimate 136+45=181 should be the ratio of quick time speed to regular or common time speed today. Since the quick time speed of 3.4 mph for US WWI era troops is the common time speed of US troops today, the quick time speed of modern troops should be set at 1.81x3.4 or 6.1 mph or 9.8 minutes per mile. This compares with the 6.9 mph of the WWII era Darby's Rangers, the 6.1 mph of the modern UK Sea Cadets double quick time, the 6.1 mph of the US WWI double quick time, and the 5.2-5.7 mph of the US Civil War double quick time.

Double quick time march / quick time march, ratio
US civil war 5.2-5.7/2.9 179
WWI US infantry quick time 6.1 / 3.4 179

The ratio of the double quick time march to the quick time march has held constant at 179-100. Thus if the quick time march is 6.1 the double quick time march should be 1.79x6.1=10.9 mph which would be 5.5 minutes per mile. Word is that the double quick time of the Civil war era was a run or a jog as opposed to a march or walk, so the idea of a double quick time that involves running at a certain speed should be nothing new.

At What Pace of Walk Must Men Break Into a Run, if they are to Propel Themselves Any Faster?

Any pace that you walk you can also jog at that same pace; the question on my mind has been, at what pace troops or myself, have reached the maximum walking pace, beyond which we would have to break into a jog or run to go any faster?

Such varies according to the individual and according to the era, but it seems that unless men are trained in the art of "race-walking" wherein the feet are in a straight line, the legs are straight, and one foot is always on the ground, the fastest walking speed they can attain is approx 6.0 mph. To travel at a pace faster than 6 mph, they have to break into a run or jog.

If men are trained in the art of walking like race-walkers, a form of walking men do not instinctively adopt, they can increase their speed without running, all the way up to 10 mph over 6 miles.

I suppose it varies with the individual and his particular circumstance, whether he would be better off jogging or walking to cover a given distance in a given time.

Some Speed estimates I found on the Internet:

British Royal Guards marching speed 4 mph
mean comfortable walking speed men 146.2 cm/s
57.56 inches per second, 3.3 mph
maximum gait speed men 253.3 cm/s 5.7 mph
4.5 km hr normal walking speed humans or 2.8 mph
average human walking speed 8m 9 yds per sec WRONG that's 18.4 mph
average speed in combat 18 yds 16 m per 6 sec WRONG that's 37 mph
strolling 3 mph
brisk earnest (fitness) striding or aerobic walking 4 mph
racewalking 5 mph
average jogging 7 mph
olympic racewalking 9 mph
speed walking 3.5-5.5 mph
racewalkers 6-9 mph
treadmill speed required for most walkers 5-6 mph
very fast walkers treadmill speed required >6 mph
casual walking 2 mph
purposeful or functional walking 2-3 mph
hiking or distance walking 2-5 mph
treadmill walking 3-5 mph
race walking 6-9 mph
expert walker 9.2 mph
fast walker 4.5 mph
world road walking record 10 km 37:11 that's 10 mph 6 miles per minute

See notes and tables re:


Fitness levels required for basketball

When a walk breaks into a run

Fitness levels characteristic of/required for football, baseball, sprinting

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Stanford, TV video type work, my mom, Chicago, & Stanford again -- dreams

Dreams I have had since the last time that I reported my dreams. There were several segments in these dreams that I could not remember when I woke up.

I had one especially interesting dream, but the problem was that I could only remember it for a couple of seconds when I woke up and then its memory disappeared.

1. I had one dream I could remember more of, although there were still unremembered snippets to it, and I do not remember the exact sequence of segments in the dream. In the dream I went to stay with Danny R at Stanford University. My stay with Danny R went well because we did not wear each other out with each other's company, but rather though I was staying at his house we both went our own ways during the days. He looked like a college guy, young looking. He was his usual exuberant energetic self. My new car had been transported a long way by boat or by train or something, I think the car had been transported to Stanford (it is the kind of car that is especially useful in California). It was in a lot and I asked someone how I could find it in amongst all the other cars that had been transported. I was wearing a knapsack and slipped into some water; the weight of the knapsack was drowning me in the water. This was an unacceptable outcome to me so I simply took shallow breaths underwater and by my own willpower ended that segment of the dream. I always thought that towns in California would be the type where you cannot get from one place to another without a car, spread out, but the town Stanford was at was set up so everything was in walking distance; there were rows of one story high houses and buildings with crimson roofs. There was a swimming pool at Stanford that was like three swimming pools on top of each other, like a three story building. I was on the second or third floor pool, I knocked three books that belonged to someone who was sitting by the pool, they fell into the pool below. they were slowly sinking into the water. I was preparing to dive from the floor I was on into the pool below, so as to rescue the books before they sank into the water. In one segment in the dream, I had gotten a long hand-written letter on light blue paper from Davianne Brown the Northeastern U track-athlete/student.

I had had another dream about Danny R earlier, which I never reported because at the time I was tired out by a cold or a flu or something. In that dream Danny R was living in the apartment buildings on 59th St. between Blackstone and I think it was Harper, the street next to Blackstone. I went to visit him he was happy to see me he wanted to share his food with me.

I had both these dreams after I sent an email to him that he did not reply to. Though I hear people badmouth him, and though he did not reply to my email my dreams about him have cast him in a good light.

2. In a dream after I had the above dream about Stanford, there were four segments that I could remember. In one segment, Jonathan Hall the WHDH TV reported and myself were both working at a market research firm. Hall wore gray slacks and a pink shirt with no tie. I was dressed similarly I do not remember what I was wearing. In another segment, Erin G who used to be on the Tufts track team, was lying on the ground in an almost fetal position in a train station. Her hair was long straight and black. She was lying on the floor like this because she was dissatisfied. In another segment, I saw Dan Rather on TV. The lighting and the positioning of him on camera, the angle of his face relative to the camera, were an imitation of the lighting and the angle and the positioning in a video I had been shooting at my apartment (the footage I shot is in computer at WCAC TV). However Dan did not look and sound as impressive as I did during the few minutes I appear on the video at WCAC TV. There was another segment which could be interpreted to be an example of me criticizing myself through my own dream symbolism. I will not report this segment because of the hyper-critical, judgmental, condemning persons who would go nuts with such a segment, using it to judge and condemn me.

3. One of the nights after the night in which I dreamed the dream (2) listed above, I dreamt that I saw my mother sitting in a courtyard, there was a gray stone wall about 20 yards wide and 30 yards long, and my mother was sitting inside the courtyard that this rectangular wall bordered off. She looked small and low in the courtyard. The floor of it was gray stone also; there was some green lawn in it, and no ceiling. I told my mother that I hoped that she went to a place where there was joy and no pain.

4. These segments may have occurred the same night as (3), maybe they occurred a night or few after. In one segment I saw a bunch of nice lightweight cushions and pillows that had been dumped on the street, on either 57th Street in Hyde Park or 59th St. in Hyde Park. I thought to myself, just the thing for my small SUV, my Honda Element! I drove back to pick them up, but when I got back they were in a store. The salesman in the store said that they, the pillows, were dirty from snakes crawling on them because someone had left them in their garage. In another segment, there were big floods at the University of Chicago. Big buildings with big wide open lobbies, buildings on 57th or 59th street in Hyde Park, were flooded. I saw two huge eels, each about 20 yards long and four feet wide, slither up a wall in one of these big lobbies. It was as if there was water on the wall up to about ten feet, then dry space of about ten feet, and then more water on the wall, and the eels became visible as they entered the dry space between the wet spaces.

5. The next night, on the internet, there was some kind of essay machine. The web page that was the interface was a dark yellow. You typed your essay into the main box at the top, and below the main box in smaller boxes there appeared material such as other web pages using the same words you were using, and analysis of the form and content of the essay, words used, and so forth. In another dream this same night, a young white male high school student from the rural USA Midwest was being interviewed in an elevator. In another dream this night or a few nights after, I dreamt that my brother was in two places at the same time. In one place he wore a white India-Indian shirt and in another place he wore western clothing. This confused me. I found out that eleven copies or clones of my brother had been made, but that this was being hid from me.

6. One or a few nights after the night on which I had dreams described in (5) above, I had a couple of dreams, this after listening to, on coast to coast AM with Noory. Noory had been discussing with callers whether Sharon Tate and the ones with her were murdered because of cocaine disputes. In the first dream, I was splitting up cocaine on a tray in the apartment I lived in during high school. It was as if one big part of it was for one guy who was the Republicans, another big part of it was for another guy who was the Democrats, and a third much smaller part of it was for another guy who was an independent. My brother was looming over the scene. It was chaos, whereas the math of it should have been quite simple. It seemed the guys arguing over the splitting up of it would cause it all to fall on the ground, and thereby screw everything up. I in the dream felt high, though I was not in reality high (proving that through the powers of the unconscious we can experience the high of a drug without actually taking the drug?). While I was high I wanted to look at beautiful naked women. Then my mother came walking out of the back bathroom towards the room I was in after taking a shower. I had to pack up the cocaine I was splitting up and hustle back to my brother's room in the back of the apartment. In my brother's room I saw big posters of nude sexy women, and there was a poster of a black woman with basketball shaped and sized breasts whose face looked like the face of some round-faced black man who was not ugly.

7. There was another dream the same night as dream 6 described above. In this dream, I was in California looking for Danny R now a Stanford bigshot. Danny lived at 5 Tarpley, it was 5 Tarpley Ave, or Street, or Avenue I'm not sure which. But by mistake I wound up somewhere around 28 or 30 Tarpley street. There was a residence within tall dark yellow walls, there was an open air courtyard within the walls. Some MBA students with MBAs from Stanford and maybe from some other places lived in the house and courtyard inside the high dark yellow walls. The walls looked like they were made of clay, they were about 20 feet high, the whole architecture of it was the Spanish-influenced California type. In the courtyard there were youngish white MBAs who were female and male. One of them was a pretty white woman with long wavy yellow and brown hair, who was about five feet eight inches tall, sitting on a rock, sort of in that mermaid-on-a-rock position. These MBAs were well paid, say $100K per year or above, and as I looked at them I was thinking to myself how it was weird that employers acted as if these people with MBAs were worth so much more than me. I said to this guy I was with who was similar to me, like my twin, that the MBA is phony, meaning that the people with MBAs do not really know anything that makes them any better than say a CPA. Me and this guy I was with played some of these Stanford MBA types in ping pong or something. There was a guy of slim-average build, about average height, with yellow hair and beard, who was in about his twenties, who looked like General Custer of the famous last stand against the Indians. These Stanford MBA type folks were of medium to slim build, not especially muscular, and lacked the arrogance you find in muscular husky college football player types who act as if they were doing something very charitable just by saying hello to you. Next thing I knew there were say about fifty Stanford types in the courtyard, including men with gray hair and a gray beard and mustache. They were all singing and some of them were smoking marijuana. Their singing was pretty good, it sounded pretty good (when I awoke I realized that the Haitian women who lives beneath me had been playing Christian-type music loudly so I could hear it while I was having this part of the dream). I remember one of them was this handsom-ish white guy with a short gray beard and mustache, who was wearing a crown. He was well built and about five feet eight inches tall. Looking at these folks singing I was thinking, wow, out here in California you can really find these artistic types who are hippie like and liberal despite being successful academics, John-Steinbeck-Salinger types, folks who are nice and tolerant and like young people (though mature) and into being good to people, even though they are successful academics, even though their hair has turned gray.