Saturday, August 27, 2005

Mile Runs, Sprint Intervals, and Tennis

I estimate that competitive men's tennis players at the college or better levels, can run the mile in 5 minutes and 48 seconds. According to an internet report pro soccer players can run two miles in 12 minutes which equates to a mile in 5:35. According to Horwill at (see notes linked to below in this post) soccer and tennis are twins in terms of the percentage of the energy required that is generated via ATP-PC & LA (anaerobic) as opposed to LA & O2 (anaerobic) as opposed to O2 alone (aerobic). According to's%20Tennis%20workouts.htm collegiate level men's tennis players should be able to run 5 miles in 35 minutes, which equates out to, allowing for a slower pace over 5 miles as compared to over 1, a 6:01 time in the mile.

The controversy rages with regards to tennis training, as it does with regards to training for American football, as to whether mile runs are a good idea. Those opposed to runs of a mile or longer are in favor of using interval sprint training as a way of conditioning tennis players--but many of these anti-mile-run types still advocate the use of a mile jog as a warm-up.

If tennis and soccer really are twins when it comes to the type of energy expenditures that are made in the sport, the sprint interval training used for soccer might work well for tennis and vice versa.

Some Interval Sprint Tennis Training Routines I Found on the Net:

1 minute run, 1 minute walk 20 reps; then 30 second sprint 1 minute walk 10 reps

jog 1 minute sprint 10 seconds jog 1 minute

70% of training 4 x 4 x 200 in 30 secs with 90 secs recovery
20% of training 5 x 600 in 105 secs with 210 secs rest
10% of training 3 x 1 mile fast (4.5-5.5 mins)

50 to 100 meters, with a 30- to 60-second breather between each set.

5x200, 200 jog as rest; 5x100, 100 jog as rest; 5x50, 50 walk as rest; 5x20, 20 walk as rest

Sort of averaging out all these sprints interval training routines for tennis, I now estimate that an average typical sprints intervals training routine for tennis would be as follows:

Set is: sprint 100 yards, rest 1 minute, repeat 4 times; do four sets; rest between sets till pulse reaches 130 or rest about 12 minutes between sets. Do this 3 times per week.

Personally I do not understand why the sprints are so long in this kind of interval training. Seems tennis players never actually run the distances run in the interval sprints fitness programs designed for tennis. My personal idea of what such a program for tennis should be, is more like:

sprint 5 paces walk 2 seconds,
sprint 10 paces walk 4 seconds,
sprint 15 paces walk 6 seconds,
sprint 20 paces walk 8 seconds,
A SET: 15 reps
Rest (walking) between sets: 12 minutes

My Notes RE Tennis, mile runs, and conditioning:


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