Monday, October 19, 2009

Believers never damned error -- another refutation of the error

This morning on the AM radio, I heard an elderly preacher shouting into his microphone about how "a believer will never go to hell". He meant, someone who believes Christ is the Son of God, will never go to hell. I do not know what this preacher's name was, but for now I name him Pastor Goodfornothing.

Pastor Goodfornothing annoyed me. I have expended considerable time and energy in the past, refuting what I have considered to be an erroneous doctrine, which is the doctrine that if you believe Christ is the Son of God, no matter what you think, say and do, you will go to heaven.

If Pastor Goodfornothing is correct, the New Testament scriptures that say, you need to do something to go to heaven (see example below), would have to have been addressed to persons who do not believe in Christ, and the doctrine of the New Testament would be that good guys who lack faith in Christ go to heaven.

However the doctrine of Pastor Goodfornothing, is that good guys cannot go to heaven without faith in Christ. Thus Pastor Goodfornothing contradicts himself.

And yet again, I have succeeded, taking a gunfight as an analogy for a debate, in shooting my opponent with his own gun.

The doctrine of the New Testament is that faith in Christ is a necessary ingredient. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that the passages in the New Testament that say you have to do something to go to heaven, are addressed to persons who believe in Christ.

Example of New Testament scripture exhorting ethical conduct:

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be haughty neither to put their hope in the uncertainty of wealth but in God, who so richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Urge them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous givers, to practice sharing, and to treasure up for themselves a sound foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that is really life.

--1 Timothy 6:17-19

@2009 David Virgil Hobbs

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Friday, October 09, 2009

Abuse of high-class people such as men high class in terms of social-economic-partner attractiveness: misanthropic, contradicts spirit of the laws

I have seen strange things in the world in which I live.

A man who dozens of beautiful women want to marry ends up being: unable to get a job; unable to get a job in which one has a chance to meet lots of people; unable to get a job in which one can meet lots of people who are in some way high-class; able only to get jobs through which he cannot adequately provide for even one child; able only to get jobs through which he cannot afford a car, or afford a nightlife involving activities such as going to clubs and bars; able only to get jobs that drain him of his time and energy while bestowing little upon him in return; denied a job in a locality he has resided in for many years.

Meanwhile, a woman who few to zero men have an interest in marrying ends up being: treated like a celebrity, given the red carpet treatment; bused in from a faraway city to get a restful un-fatiguing well paying job in a city she has never lived in; given a job that allows one to afford to have a child; given a job involving meeting lots of people; given a job involving meeting lots of people who are in one way or another in the elite; given a job that makes little demand on time and energy but pays a handsome reward.

This is the idea of justice where I live.

I now present argument refuting the idea that such is justice.


@2009 David Virgil Hobbs

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Thursday, October 01, 2009

false flag attacks favored by Senator Blather in DVH interview

DVH Interview: Senator Billy Jo Blather

Posted: October 1, 2009 0621 GMT

David Virgil BIO
DVH Anchor
David Virgil: Senator Blather, you have stated that you are in favor of the US government in the future resorting to false flag attacks in the US. False flag attacks involve basically a government attacking its own nation, so as to get the nation angry and involved in attacking the nation that allegedly committed the attack. Could you elaborate?
Senator Blather: We haf a problem in our country, which is thet th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity, be hankerin' t'pareesitize th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity. In o'der t'combat this hyar problem, we need t'be able t'do reso't t'extryjudicial black ops black budgit operashuns direcked aginst th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity. In o'der fo' sech operashuns t'succeed, we need t'create an atmosphar in which them who deman' thet th' truth be known an' thet th' ajunts who carry out th' black ops be punished, is ridiculed as crazy. A trimenjus fine o'ganized false-flag attack, will haf th' beneficial side-effeck of creatin' this hyar kind of invironment, an invironment in which them who believe o' at least meekly accepp th' disinfo'mashun we prodooce regardin' th' false flag attack, an' regardin' other operashuns direcked aginst th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity, is hono'ed as fine citizens, wharas them who agitate fo' th' truth an' fo' prosecushun of th' so-called guilty parties, is condemned as insane. Then we will haf th' kind of invironment thet we as an outnumbered mino'ity need, an invironment in which corncern fo' truth is cornsidered insane, wharas faif in disinfo'mashun, an' votin' fo' an' corntributin' t'th' disinfo-sources, is cornsidered hono'able. When we haf th' right kind of invironment, we will be able t'terminate th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity an' transfer th' resources of th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity wifout their cornsent. Their cornsent sh'd not an issue on account o' they is stoopid. Wif th' right invironment, th' varmints will does th' right thin' an' believe our respeckable disinfo about how we is not guilty, vote fo' us, an' corntribute financially t'our political campaigns.
David Virgil: Isnt it possible that if the US in the future adopts false-flag attack tactics, the result could be a societal environment in which government habitually attacks its citizens, using the excuse that it is all in the national interest?
Senator Blather: On account o' th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity is sech a large group, we hafta reso't t'covaht operashuns aginst th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity. We need t'terminate, incaracerate, third-degree interrogate, an involuntarily transfer the resources of th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity, so as t'prevent th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity fum committin' crimes aginst th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity. When it is firmly established thet govment has a right t'attack its citizens as a way of furtherin' th' nashunal interest; when it is firmly established thet govment has a right t'spread disinfo'mashun regardin' who acshully committed th' so-called crimes, when them who believe th' so-called truth an' clamo' fo' truth is considered insane, an' when them who commendably accepp th' disinfo'mashun as truth is respecked, we will then be in a posishun t'succeed in an' git away wif covaht black ops direcked aginst th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity. Then we will be able t'transfer th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity's money into our accounts, an' ev'ryone will believe our disinfo regardin' how we did not does it, an' them who rejeck our disinfo will be disrespecked as insane.
David Virgil: If the US in the future resorts to false-flag attacks against the US, could this create a problem in terms of the US being stampeded into doing things that are not in its national interest?
Senator Blather: It is in th' interests of th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity, t'git th' US t'do thin's thet is not in its nashunal interest. Tharfo'e th' US doin' thin's thet is not in th' US nashunal interest, acshully sarves th' interests of th' United States. Wifout false-flag attacks, it is difficult t'git th' US t'do thin's thet is not in its nashunal interest. But eff'n th' US reckons thet some group thet has not acshully attacked th' US has indeed attacked th' US, then we will be able t'trick th' US into doin' sumpin thet is not in its nashunal interest. This hyar will weaken th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity an' proteck th' hard wawkin' mino'ity fum attacks by th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity thet'd otherwise be inevitable.
David Virgil: It is hard to understand how the US doing things that are not in the US national interest, could be in the national interest of the US.
Senator Blather: When th' US goes t'war, fightin' some war thet is not in th' US nashunal interest, this hyar results in soldiers whose families is part of th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity problem, gittin' killed off, which makes th' wo'ld safer fo' th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity. When th' US spends money on wars, thet means less money fo' th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity, so th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity becomes less of a threat. When th' US goes t'war, money gits transferred fum th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity t'respeckable members of th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity who haf stock in, an' who wawk fo', hard-wawkin' co'po'ashuns thet prodooce th' thin's needed fo' th' war effo't an' thet is staunch allies of th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity. Such co'po'ashuns will haf fine reason t'be loyal t'th' hard wawkin' mino'ity eff'n in th' future we implement th' false-flag tackics, on account o' th' hard wawkin' mino'ity will be th' source of their riches.
David Virgil: Is'nt there a danger, that if in the future the US adopts false-flag tactics, innocent people will end up being framed for crimes that they did not commit?
Senator Blather: We in th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity is indeed a small mino'ity. In o'der t'win our struggle aginst th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity, we need t'be reso't t'covaht black ops precisely on account o' we is so outnumbered. Tharfo'e an invironment in which we kin git away wif framin' so-called innercent varmints is a fine invironment which will keep th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity at bay. Innercence is in th' eyes of th' beholder. We kinnot aller th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity t'decide who is innercent an' who is not. We, th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity, hafta decide who is innercent an' who is not, an' th' ress of th' country, th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity, has t'accepp our judgement regardin' issues sech as who desarves t'be framed fo' sumpin they did not does an' who does not. Thar is lazy as a houn'dog varmints who desarve t'be framed fo' crimes they did not commit. Sometimes framin' some so-called innercent lazy as a houn'dog varmint fo' a crime they did not commit is th' tackically wise thin' t'do.
David Virgil: If the US in the future resorts to false flag attacks, could there be a problem because the US defenses against false-flag attacks have been shut down, a foreign nation say foreign nation A, is able to trick the US into going to war against some other foreign nation B, the result being that foreign nation A comes out ahead and the US and foreign nation B end up being the losers, the end result being just what foreign nation A wanted?
Senator Blather: Trest me, eff'n thar evah is sech a thin' as fo'eign nashun A doin' sech a thin', it will be th' hard-wawkin' mino'ity an' fo'eign nashun A wawkin' togither so th' end result will be fine. Th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity is not smart inough t'pull off sech a trick. Thet's one reason whuffo' we is tricky. On account o' we is better at tricks than th' lazy as a houn'dog majo'ity.

@2009 David Virgil Hobbs

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