Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Imported workers can help a national economy and its citizens

Frosty Wooldridge is up in arms, re the importation of workers through visas. Whereas, imported workers can conceivably be helpful to a national economy and its native citizens.

Imported workers can train domestic workers.

Imported workers can provide skills that allow things to be produced here that would otherwise not be produced here.

If it takes a team of eleven to produce some product here, and we have on hand ten of the people we need but we do not have the eleventh, but we do have the eleventh one we need if we import a worker with the special skill, then we can make the thing here whereas without the imported worker we would be unable to make it. Similarly a soccer team without a goalie might be a poor soccer team until it imported a goalie so as to be able to win games.

Imported workers by spending their own money that they already have, in addition to spending the money they are paid, can thereby stimulate the economy, due to multiplier factors that are created as the money they spend is earned and spent by others, combined with the money they spend in total exceeding the amount of money they earn.

An imported worker excelling a native worker...an imported worker excelling a native worker, could be an advantage to the economy, even when the economy does not produce anything that it could not otherwise produce as a result of importing the worker.

Take for example the model wherein an economy is symbolized as a soccer team. The economy imports a center forward, so the center forward already on the team, has to move over to left wing. The increase in total productivity in the economy produced by the import of the worker, could in its advantages for the population of the economy outweigh the loss of the job to the imported worker.

The fellow who has to move over to left wing might be a better left wing than the guy who previously was left wing--then you would have improvement at not just center forward but also at left wing through the importation of one player.

If the old left wing moved to half-back, and was a better half-back than the one who was a halfback before, you would have improvement at three positions caused by the importation of the one player.

When you have high quality players at each position, you have high productivity per hour, so people have the time and energy to acquire economically valuable skills, which move the national economy upwards.

If the increased productivity created through the use of imported foreign workers is shared with the native population, either deliberately through social programs or simply through enhanced domestic circulation of moneycreating earning opportunities, the importation of foreign workers can redound to the benefit of the native population.

@2005 David Virgil Hobbs


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