Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Dreams I had between Oct 17 and Nov 21 '05

Oct 17-Nov 21 '05 dreams

Notes: I had some dreams prior to Oct 17 I havent reported yet. I do not remember all the details for most of these dreams, and I cannot remember anything now about some of these dreams. If a dream contains content that approaches what some might call sensual, I make a greater effort to hide the identity of the person dreamed about.

1. I was riding around in some kind of jeep with Linda S. In the dream she looked like a Siberian Sean S., that is, if you can imagine Sean S looking Siberian, that is what she looked like. She had this long beard about an inch wide and about eight inches long, comoing down from below her lower lip. She looked like what one might imagine a Bolshevik looks like. I told her she had been being mean to me because I had'nt been having sex. She gave me this hat, it was a beret with a furry ball on top and straight brown flaps that look like the straight brown hair on a woman. She got on a crowded bus and the bus drove away.

2. I was driving somewhere and while I was driving the black soccer shoes I was wearing while I was driving disappeared.

3. I saw some people eating steak and seafood in restaurants, I felt angry and was shouting about Mars, someone told me I should not be shouting and I agreed with him.

4. I fell asleep on a bed in the U of Chicago Regenstein library; I woke up in the dream while still dreaming, and stepped backwards an inch and bumped into a Chinese guy in a sleeveless blue camouflage-patterned shirt, like the ones they have on sale at the army navy store in the watertown mall. The Chinese guy said to me, "I'll kill you". because I had bumped against him. He was about six feet tall, and husky and heavy, he walked away, I followed him and went looking for him in the library but could not find him. He was wearing a shirt that I had thought was beautiful when I saw it in the store. I was going to complain to the U of Chicago about the Chinese guy. My excuse for having fallen asleep was that I grew at the U of Chicago.

5 My intestine and the breasts of this white woman L, were one and the same thing. Someone was stomping on L's breast in a wrestling match, but it did not hurt L much. This breast stomping wrestling match pleased this white conservative republican radio talk show host that was what he wanted.

6 Cathy K a half jewish white woman who went to my high school got on to this subway train I was on. Her body language was the body language of someone who thinks they are the superior race. I was thinking, that the idea that an atheist race is a superior race is a strange idea.

7 There was a dream about Bush, Churchill, a flying plane, Spanky, and a screw I do not remember now their content.

8 I was carrying my car, the automobile I drive; it was light about the shape and size of a small suitcase; I was rolling it along it was light and small...I thought I could'nt carry it but I could.

9 My brother was lying down as he often is. I felt that he had become a stupid person and I think I told him so.

10 I bumped into someone, a dinner plate I was carrying that had marijuana on it was bumped, the marijuana fell to the ground, I started looking for the pot that had been knocked to the ground.

11 In the dream about Heather L, she and Alexandra, had become one person, about five feet ten inches tall, pretty, shortish wavyish black hair, wide hips, strong legs. Alexandra is the sister of this woman Elizabeth whose father was CEO of a major bank. Elizabeth went to the same college I went to, Heather L lives in the same suburb I live in.

12 In the dream about Christy, I was in this town that was shaped like a Christy's large derriere, like two big circles; the neighboring town on one side of this town was Woburn MA and the neighboring town on the other side of the town was Chicago Il. I liked this town.

13 In the dream about M W and M I, it was dark outside, it was early morning or late evening, there was a big house, and M W was standing in front of the door that faced me and M I who I could not see stood in front of the door that faced to my right. I could not see M I but I knew what both of them were wearing. They were wearing bras that mimimized their breasts to look normal size, and long sleeved men's shirts, and nothing else. Looking at M W I admired how her body was muscular yet feminine and shapely. I saw them from a vantage point about 20 yards away from them and 20 yards below them.

14 In the dream about the Fishmonger woman, I saw this blanket, that was red with yellow stripes, scottish plad patterned type blanket. This blanket was the woman from the Fishmonger. In the dream the thought in my head was that the fact is that the woman from the Fishmonger is the world's most beautiful wife.

15 I was flying over these Semitic lands, their earth looked brown from high above in the sky. There were lots of different little Semitic countries. Problem was that if I descended and landed on any of these countries, as soon as I landed bombs would go off all over the place in the country I landed in.

16 This over six foot tall glamazon woman I had seen working at the Fishmonger in Cambridge, was the sister of Brent Cawelti who was my friend and neighbor during childhood. She was walking somewhere side by side with Brent, they were about 15 feet in front of me and below me on the staircase in the apartment building I and Brent used to live in. Her hair was in the form of a light brown pony tail that reached to her knees.

17 I was with M I (same as in 13), this white woman I encountered in real life-- I saw her face, appreciated her personality looks and intelligence; she was wearing these panties, she pulled them down; i expected an odor to come out when she pulled her panties down due to ethnic prejudice based on anecdotal experience and racist rumor, but there was no such odor. I had a couple of small bags of pot, the pot in one of the bags was yellowish green color, it was hidden by the alarm clock, the idea was to use the pot for sex with M I (maybe this was triggered because this TV personality seemed to be saying pot should be saved for sex). The problem with the sex was that we could find no place where we could be alone to have sex. M I's idea was we should meet later at some place whee we would have privacy, during the monday night football game. I showed up at the place and a short "nerdy" looking white young man with glasses opened the door there were alot of people at the place. The thought in my mind was that since I will not live forever and do not have infinite amounts of time and energy at my disposal, it would be waste of time and energy to use a condom while having sex.

18 I was with Linda S (same as in 1) and there was mutual love. The thought in my mind was that Linda S, is unusually gifted, she has the gift of being loveable, and she has the gift of being loving. I saw a plaque on a wall. Linda S being gifted in these ways had something to do with this plaque.


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