Thursday, February 27, 2014

Weightlifting determined max reps at various weights

For the second time this month,I was out shooting baskets  and weightlifting.

The practice went as follows:

Start Thursday February 27 816 PM, End 945 PM; 89 minutes, at Waltham YMCA

No unrecorded warmup activity. Alternated between shooting baskets (see basketball practice stats) and weightlifting sets.

1 Clean and Jerk, 45 lbs, 8x.

2 Snatch, 45 lbs, 6x

3 Intention: discover max number reps that can be done at 65 lbs (1 second or less rest between reps) on Clean and Jerk. Result: 10x near max.

4 Intention: discover max number reps that can be done at 65 lbs (1 second or less rest between reps) on Snatch. Result: 8x near max.

5 Intention: discover max number reps that can be done at 80 lbs (1 second or less rest between reps) on Clean and Jerk. Result: 6x near max.

6 Intention: discover max number reps that can be done at 80 lbs (1 second or less rest between reps) on Snatch. Result: 5x near max.

7 Clean and Jerk, 45 lbs, 8x.

I wanted the info on the max reps at each weight, to use when planning future workouts.


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