Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spaceship symbolic of email projects

I got to thinking regarding the kind of office-space, transportation, and other equipment I and my staff might need to administer the emails to sports teams type projects.

I noted that the 6 basketball teams involved in the basketball project totalled about 90 players; the 11 soccer teams in the American soccer project totalled about 200 players; the 11 soccer teams in the Boston project totalled about 200 players.

Looking around, I found an official Star-trek starship, the 'Miranda' class USS Reliant NCC-1864'. This starship carries a crew of 200. It is 243 meters long. It was designed by Mike Minor and Joe Jennings for 'Star-Trek II'.

My photographic composite showing the USS Reliant with an astronaut nearby and the bridge of the USS Reliant:

200 crew member star-trek starship Miranda Class

I carefully inserted under the photo of the starship, an astronaut 'drawn to scale', to make the size of the starship comprehensible. I can't understand why all the highly skilled digital artists, when they produce renderings of their fantasy ships, fail to include an astronaut floating nearby so as to give some visual-scale perspective re the size of the ship.


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