Friday, February 18, 2005

An Elixir, a Magic Playground (with real life religious experience), Iran, Basketball -- Dreams

Four Dreams I've Had in the Last Couple of Days (Melatonin-pill influenced)
(#2 describes a related real-life experience that got me serious about Christianity)


I was out on a green field surrounded by woods. It was daylight. I was thirsty. I had a choice between two drinks that appealed to me, that seemed to be almost as good as magical elixirs. One of the drinks was lemonade combined with an alcoholic beverage such as wine or whisky; I do not remember now exactly what the lemonade was combined with. The ingredients in the other drink I do not now remember. There seemed to be something really special about the lemonade combined with the whatever it was combined with. Maybe one of these days someone will discover that lemonade combined with some kind of alcoholic beverage is especially healthy in some way.


Real-life Notes:

The summer after I graduated from high school, someone gave me a little white pill. I do not know exactly what it was. I took it, left my friends, and walked off alone in the direction of 55th St. in Hyde Park Chicago, where at the intersection with Blackstone Street there are these two big wide tall white apartment buildings with a playground at one end. That playground is now a swimming pool. This school days friend of mine Wayne Braxton was in the playground with Linda Skinner. We played frisbee together. I felt different than I have ever felt. I felt on top of the entire world, energetic, happy. I played frisbee with them with grace and joy. I felt like a God. I probably looked like a God too, wearing these blue overalls and a red plastic derby hat.

Linda was thrilled to play frisbee with me that day I could tell. She was smiling and clapping her hands together. Her hair was long straight and yellow; these was the days when she was at the apex of her beauty; she seemed like a goddess to me. She sat down on a see-saw in front of me and leaned backwards into me, and I leaned backwards to properly avoid her touch.

I felt like the top of my head had been taken off, as a result of which the impediments that kept my mind and soul down when I was in a "normal" state were gone. Playing frisbee with her and Wayne under the influence of that pill I fell in love with her. But afterwards when I would talk to her, she would not even smile or date me. I figured this was because she only liked me when I was under the influence of some pill. Since then I have heard it was because her father would not let me marry her.

A few months after I first met Linda in the playground, in a despondent state of mind I went to the playground and sat down on top of the slide. I prayed God for a sign, asking him to show me how I could be in the state of mind I was in on the pill, without taking any pills. I left a date (those things people eat) on the slide as an offering to God. Then I heard a car honking, honk honk honk honk it just kept on honking. It seemed to me as if the honking car was sympathizing with me. I walked over to look inside the car that was honking. There was nobody in the car, but there was a Holy Bible on the front dashboard. Although I had always believed in God and Christ, I took this as a sign from God. I became serious about Christianity, read the Bible, and prayed. Then I had religious experiences that gave me among other things certain knowledge that Christ is the Son of God, and knowledge that certain parts of the Bible are inspired by God.

In the dream:

I saw these two tall white women, standing on the sidewalk on the southern side of the two white buildings. I saw them from about ten yards away. They both had straight hair that was slightly longer than shoulder length. They wore it in the style wherein the hair falls from the hairline to the outside of the eyebrow, so the area between the outside of the eyebrow and the ear is covered with a patch of hair.

Their hairstyle reminded me of at least a couple of Bible scriptures, such as, "Their camels shall become booty, their herds of cattle a spoil. I will scatter to every wind those who cut the corners of their hair, and I will bring their calamity from every side of them, says the LORD" (Jeremiah 49:32), and, "Do not trim off the hair on your temples or clip the edges of your beards" (Leviticus 19:27). I have been under the impression that such references to hairstyles have to do with the wide faces of the original Alpine Aryan Israelites, and how a tuft of hair to the outside of each eyebrow can be aesthetic on such wide faces which feature space outside the outside corners of the eyebrows.

In the dream, one of them, the one facing to my right, and facing towards the one facing towards me, had brown hair. The one facing towards me, had yellow hair. They were both pregnant. The one with brown hair had huge breasts, they came down to her groin and stuck out about a yard. I had seen both of these women standing just like this in an earlier dream, only in the earlier dream the brown haired woman's breasts were not as big or visible.

I think the brown haired one in the dream represented this woman who I saw once at Bentley near their soccer field. In real life, I kicked the ball over the fence, and went to fetch it; as I picked it up, I looked at this woman who was walking away from me and was about fifteen yards from me. At the exact same instance I looked at her, although she had her back turned towards me, she twisted her torso to the right, as a result of which I could see that she had very large breasts that stuck out about 1.5 feet.

I have been unable to link up with this soccer field woman, my emails to Bentley about her went unanswered, but I have heard some rumor she has an interest in me, from people who are unable or unwilling to bother with actually linking me up with her (are'nt they nice).

I think the yellow haired one in the dream represented this tall pretty Bentley woman who in real life sat down next to me in the Bentley college library one day, and said to me, "I'm in love with you". When she said this, I was feeling so intimidated by campus and public police having persecuted me, barred me from campuses, and shouted at me, due to trivial so called social "infractions" having to do with my attempts to socialize with women, that I said, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Likewise, in real life, once when I was in the Weston Public Library, this pretty young woman with straight brown hair who was sitting next to me, noticed that I was looking at photos of big breasted woman on the internet, and launched into a speech about how her breasts were bigger than the breasts in the woman in the photo and how I was intelligent looking and how I could f--- her, but I said nothing, because the shock of having been persecuted by police had numbed me into a kind of silence.


I was in a room, indoors, and my father's sister, who is now deceased, was sitting on a bed. I was talking to her. I do not remember now the exact words I used, but basically I told her, that some people were planning on attacking Iran, because in their minds 25 nuclear weapons were equal to 250 nuclear weapons which were equal to 2500 nuclear weapons, and Iran was on its way to having 25 nuclear weapons. What I meant and what I was saying, was, that in the minds of the people attacking Iran, for all practical purposes 25 nukes were equal to 250 and to 2500, and so they were determined to attack before Iran could produce 25 nukes.


In the dream, I was one of the guards on the U of Alabama basketball team. We were playing the U of Florida basketball team in a tournament. We beat them. After the game, we were sitting by the side of the basketball court, and watching the next team that we were going to play in basketball. This team had two guys with dark brown hair, their hairtstyles were similar to the ones the Bentley ladies wore in (3) above. They both were able to "stuff" the basketball, without even jumping off the ground.


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