Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Dream about the exciting little boys with big feet

I had two little dreams last night. I remembered them both when I woke up in the middle of the night, I thought I would be able to remember them both in the morning, but, in the morning, I could only remember the second one.

In the day it was daylight outside, a cloudy day, and Pond St., the street that I live on, had a bunch of little boy-men on it. There must have been 12-20 of these boy-men standing here and there on and near Pond St. They were not in any kind of formation; they stood there, one here one there, in a seemingly irregular random formation. In my field of view, looking out on Pond St. from the rear of a parking lot that is about 15 yards deep, I saw 12 to 20 of them here and there. They were all 2-3 feet tall, and had big, men's size feet, in gray-blue sneakers. There feet were big; their feet were larger than the feet of an average adult male. Their upper bodies, however, were the size and the approximate proportions of a child about 2-3 feet in height. They all had normal for a boy length straight black hair, I did not see any of their faces. They were looking this way and that so I did not see their faces. They all had strong, muscular, non-fat upper bodies; I could see this through the loose white long sleeved India Indian "Khurta" style shirts they wore. They had the classic weightlifter's V-shaped upper body, large muscular shoulder and back muscles; their torso was fairly long compared to their legs so their upper bodies were like a long as opposed to a short V-shape. They all wore dark colored loose long pants. Their bodies were shaped like little boys except it seems that their torsos or upper bodies were longer than most people's upper bodies and longer than my own. They were very muscular compared to boys their size, but their shape was not quite as adult as the strongest most muscular adult body-builders.

In the dream as people or objects encountered these boys, the people and objects that encountered them would undergo a transformation in reaction to these boys that they encountered. There was this idea in the air, that these boys caused and forced these reactions in these people/objects. In contradiction to this idea in the air, my idea, was that these boys set in motion forces that made the reactions the people/objects experienced possible but not unavoidable. I felt the boys produced a situation where the reaction people-objects were experiencing to the boys, was an option on their part and not something forced on them.

I witnessed one reaction of an object/person to these boys. I saw a silverish colored cooking pan with a handle, that had an object wrapped in white cloth on its cooking surface, wedged against (from the viewer's point of view) the uppermost edge of the circular cooking surface. This package of white cloth looked approximately the size and shape of an envelope that is not as wide as the usual envelope, but it was not as flat and rectangular and pointy as an envelope. In reaction to an encounter with these boys, a piece of bacon slid out of this white cloth envelope, and slid across the pan, gradually sliding down out of the white envelope and sliding down the pan towards the opposite edge of the pan (I saw the pan from a point about ten feet above it). This piece of bacon was parallel to the bottom edge of my field of view as it was sliding towards. It was a piece of bacon, but it was also a long white female breast. It represented a tubular shaped breast about 9 inches in diameter and about 4.5 feet long. It sizzled as it slid down the pan. This piece-of-bacon/breast, sliding out of the white cloth envelope and sliding down the pan, was a reaction this cooking pan and the stuff in had when this cooking pan and cloth envelope and the bacon-breast inside of it encountered these boys.

Seems the idea in the air was that these boys were guilty of causing passionate reactions such as sizzling in objects like female breasts; however, in contradiction to this idea, my idea, was that encounters with these boys made these reactions possible, but not inevitable, since I felt the object-persons that encountered these boys were able to prevent themselves from reactions such as sizzling breasts through the exercise of their own self-control.


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