Thursday, February 17, 2005

Why are employers trashing attractive men and favoring socially unpopular females?

A letter to Henry Makow at


I have a few questions for you (Henry Makow) re feminism and employers favoring "ugly", or more politely, relatively socially unpopular people, even though I can't say that I agree with or believe everything you write.

Some Doubts I Have re Things You Write

For an example of comments of yours I have doubts about, you seem to ascribe to a me-Tarzan you-Jane view of the relationship between the sexes; yet, you yourself do the cooking and the shopping while your wife works; and you talk about how dominant forces in society are turning society upside-down. The fact is, if couples are to prove themselves resilient to the upside-down forces in society you speak of, they have to transcend the macho-man feminine-woman stereotypes you apparently favor. For example, if the man in a couple has been financially broken by the upside-down forces in the world, then, if a couple is to transcend such forces, they have to adapt themselves to such a situation by for example putting up with the woman making the money and the man doing something else.

You talk about how women are supposed to by "hypergamous", meaning that they favor men who socio-economically speaking outrank them, but recent research ( ) concluded:

Somewhat surprisingly, factors that you might think would be really important to people, like religion, education and income, played very little role in their (heterosexual dating) choices...Psychology has often viewed relationships as transactions where people select mates based on substantial qualities a mate has to offer, such as power and money...But the data show that, when people meet face-to-face, things like smoking preferences and bank accounts don't seem to hurt complexities of attraction, according to Kurzban.
My personal experience is, that women like to be socially dominated, but that does not mean they are obsessed with money. Starting back in high school I noticed how girls go for guys who treat them almost contemptuously, due to the many social opportunities they have. I noticed how girls trash boys who "need" them and cling to them and are "nothing" without them. Having noticed that, in my later life I made a point of socially dominating women, going out and finding attractive women who have an interest in me; seems such domination really does get women to respect you and turns them on.

You seem to consider heterosexual marriage to be the sine quo non of the Christian spiritual life, yet St, Paul (1 Corinthians 7:7-8) said:

Indeed, I wish everyone to be as I am (celibate), but each has a particular gift from God, one of one kind and one of another...Now to the unmarried and to widows, I say: it is a good thing for them to remain as they are...

Also, you seem dedicated to painting the average Jew as completely unstained by the stains of guilt you see in the elite "Masonic" Jews, even though (with all due respect re the good qualities of Jews) evidence indicates otherwise.

And you are so (apparently) brave and outspoken, that, people wonder if you are secretly in league with the forces you attack.

Four Questions I Have For You

Nevertheless, whether or nor you are an agent of the forces you attack, you have become a leading internet crusader vs. feminism and homosexuality; you have shown yourself to be intelligent hard working and thoughtful re such subjects; and you read and answer your emails. If you are internet-savvy and have a question re homosexuality and-or feminism, and feel annoyed by these phenomena, who do you think of? Makow. So I read your "best of Makow" articles on feminism and heterosexuality and have some questions to ask you:

1. You talk about feminism being a tool of shadowy elites trying to crush and enslave society. But females are the "liberals" who vote for "liberal" candidates who dare to do things like favor "redistributive" taxation conservative commentators such as Limbaugh despise. How do you explain that?

2. How do you explain the mania that employers seem to have developed for hiring relatively socially unpopular, "unattractive" males and females? How does this phenomenon fit into your scheme of things?

3. How do you explain a situation where you have an intelligent male who is unusual only in the sense of having skin that is slightly brownish, and who at least twenty SEXY beautiful women (the number is always rising) have expressed an interest in marrying, but who is rejected for a job by employers every time there is more than one applicant for a job? I read somewhere that the alleged "New World Order" elites are forging some kind of alliance with the "dorks" and "losers" of society.

At one point I thought I had figured it out. I figured that employers trash men who lots of beautiful women want to marry, because women are liberal, and the beautiful women are the powerful liberals. But then I realized that, (though this might explain things when employers are not feminist) these same employers, are ferociously discriminating against men!

4. Given how brown-skinned foreigners and immigrants are supposedly being favored by the dominant elites, how do you explain rabid discrimination against a male with light-brown skin?

Is (the skin-color discrimination) it because the low-level personnel officers who are doing the hiring think differently from the elites? I cannot find the page now, but I read somewhere that a survey for which at least ten thousand people were interviewed, found that US people actually prefer "olive" skin to white skin (olive is usually thought of as a kind of green but sometimes it refers to a light-brown color see ).

The kinds of social disorders I have described are worthy of the attention of clever men such as yourself. It is not just a matter of, women being hired instead of men, or gays being hired instead of straights; it is also a matter of WHICH straight guy, and WHICH woman.

-- David


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