Thursday, February 03, 2005

being a super-jogger, boyhood friends Danny and Tommy, and a flood; cauliflowers shrunk by the truth -- dreams

In the first dream, I was jogging, running, here and there at night, over hills, over fields, everywhere; I had somehow become a very fast long distance runner-jogger (in real life my feet and calves hurt so much when I jog that I go slowly and improve slowly). Me and this other guy similar to me were running a long distance race at a speed that was almost sprinting, without tiring.

In the dream I was in an apartment with Danny R, a boyhood friend who is now a very big shot in academia. Danny R looked and acted the way the AAA driver who towed my car to the mechanic looked and acted. The AAA driver looked and acted like the Mexicans in the old black and white cowboy movies. I could just see him with bandoliers across his chest. He was from Guatemala, and as I guessed it, a cowboy. He was proud of being Guatemalan, not Mexican. He was about six feet tall, very thin, macho, energetic, hustling, yet he smiled a good amount of the time. I told him he was a classic hombre and he agreed, yes, he was a "hombre"! "Hombre! Hombre!" He liked the word. In the dream Danny R and me were sitting on a couch, and Danny was standing there, all wrapped up in winter clothes and a winter hat. He was going to go out and get a few milligrams of cocaine and then return (maybe the stuff should be to at least some extent legalized). My job was to sit there and wait for him. I was thinking, when I awoke, aside from the legality of it, people who enjoy hanging out in a brotherly way with their male friends, have become a rarity, and the rarity of it seems to be at least as big a problem as cocaine consumption.

In this dream there was a segment about Tommy W. Tommy W is a guy from my high school, who is at least part jewish, who in the past I have said respectful things about. I used to think that in some ways Tommy W compared to the Massachussetts townies is like a human compared to apes. In the dream he was acting sinister, metallic, threatening. He said something threatening to me. The expression on his face was the Dan Senor facial expression. He seemed like a life size representation of a human made out of a sheet of metal that was slightly curved in one direction, like a slightly curved piece of paper, in a couple of places in the head. It got to the point where I would go out of my way to avoid running into him. I described him in the dream with a word that I thought I would be able to remember when I got up in the morning but in the morning I could not remember the word. In real life when I showed up at his place unannounced by a prior phone call, I stayed there for a few minutes I was really sweaty because it was a hot day with the air conditioner in the car not working. After that when I called him once or twice his wife would talk in an Indian accent and pretend it was not the Wolf residence. Likewise once when I called Cathy K who was half jewish from the high school I went to on the phone once, she hung up before I could announce who I even was.

In the dream in the end segment it was night and this pathway leading to a tent on a hillock about ten feet high had become flooded with water the water reached almost to the top of the tent. I had been sitting on the hillock near the tent when the flood occurred. Sitting on the hillock, also, was a local short fat black USA woman. As the flood climbed up the hillock I waded into it thinking I would be able to simply wade my way home. The water was about waist high. As I waded into the water some creature in the water got my penis in its mouth but did not bite or harm me; and there was flotsam and jetsam floating in the water, and I quickly retreated from the water.

In the second dream I had last night, I saw about ten yards away these cauliflowers in all different colors. The cauliflowers were something between the size of a golf ball and the size of a tennis ball. One was bright red, another yellow, another blue, seemed about 20 distinctly different colors were represented. These cauliflowers were such, that the truth being told shrank them in size. Near the cauliflowers there was also a steel frying pan with ground pork on one side of it. The truth being told had the effect of making the ground pork slide across the pan and sizzle with heat.


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