Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Notes on Ukraine, Crimea, and Russia

will update this post as I have more to say about the Ukraine situation.

4:48 PM 9/12/2014


According to the MSM, the ceasefire is a sign of 'Kiev's weakness', & a victory for Putin.

There are other opinions, well-expressed, to be found in an ocean of relatively inferior web-pages.

Rebel leader: Cease-fire a military disaster for Novorussia rebels, Russia

We Will Not Allow for Russia to be Ripped Asunder and Ruined | SLAVYANGRAD.org

Colonel Cassad (in English) - Strelkov's Briefing – Broadcast!


Chatham House: Russia has good reason to push for ceasefire

Interfering in Ukraine is Risky Business for Russia | Chatham House

4:19 PM 9/10/2014


IMHO as of now:

There is a 'shaky' ceasfire in effect in Ukraine Donbass region. Which got me to thinking: just like walking 10,000 meters, or swimming can become a habit, so also, war can become a habit. I get to the point, when I become habituated to exercise, that I dread having to be awake during the day without having first exercised. So also, I suppose, men can become addicted to the routine of war. Hence one might surmise, that ceasefires can serve a useful purpose, by bringing conflicts that continue for no reason other than force of habit, to a pause or an end.

I was thinking, what if there was on earth a human god? He would probably be thinking as follows:

(preliminary Fanfare of trumpets, thunders).

"There are 3 alternatives. A) Ukraine conquers Novorussia, B) Novorussia conquers Ukraine, C) Ukraine and Novorussia stop fighting and use the time energy and money they have been putting into fighting, to render service to me, the god,  instead; using that time energy and money they could build me a hell of a pyramid. C is better than A, and also C is better than B. Regardless of whether A is better than B, or B is better than A". 

'If there's a rock n roll heaven
well you know they got a hell of a band'
  -- The Righteous Brothers - "Rock And Roll Heaven" - YouTube (1974)

Rock and Roll Heaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Righteous Brothers musically embodied 'Blue-eyed Soul'. They were white northern european types, but when they sang they sounded like quality African-American singers. They got wise to how advanced African-American music had become by the 1970s, because of generations of African-American vocal and instrumental church music.

The Ukrainians and the so-called 'Novorussians', should have a contest to compare the ten best Ukrainian versions of 'Rock and Roll Heaven', to the ten best Novorussian versions. Whichever side won would be rewarded with territorial concessions.

Heck, 'Blue Eyed Soul' music of the 'Righteous Brothers' type, beats Orthodox icons (promotes images) and Islamo-fundamentalist persecution-of-music (indirectly promotes images), don't it?


6:42 AM 8/17/2014

IMHO as of now:


I found a photo, which to me summarizes well the fighting that has been going on in the Ukraine Civil War:

Silly Battle Positions Photo
Fighting rages in Donetsk as Ukraine government forces close in | Mail Online (August 17, 2014)

Note the caption of the photo:
"Raging: Ukrainian soldiers take up positions during fighting against militants, near Ilovaysk town, outside Donetsk, Ukraine, as government forces closed in on the rebel stronghold"
The caption and the photo illustrate several aspects of silliness to be found in the Ukie Govt effort, and amongst their NATO enthusiasts.

1. Their idea of 'raging fighting closing in on rebels', is Govt troops stationary in a road, sitting ducks surrounded on at least three sides by thick visually impenetrable vegetation.

2. Their idea of 'taking up fighting positions while closing in on rebels' is to be stationary in a concrete road surrounded on all sides by visually impenetrable, and almost physically impenetrable, 20-foot high vegetation.

3. They apparently have no idea how silly the 'raging battle position closing in on rebs' is, even though it is now August 17th, and the war has been going on for weeks.

4. Even the military novice can see how the gray road they are on stands out from the green vegetation surrounding it, and is therefore easily spotted identified and targeted.

5. An enemy hidden in the vegetation could easily hit the heroes in 'fighting position' with some kind of projectile-fire, even if he could not see them, if he was assisted by a team-mate who could see them in communication with him.

The conflict so far generally has involved groups of hundreds of Ukie Govt troops on roads, stalked by small groups of dozens of rebels hidden in the woods vegetation hills valleys etc. The Ukie advantage in numbers in such situations is useless, because the rebels only need enough troops to destroy the Ukies, they don't need to equal the Ukie govt troops in numbers in these little battles.

The imbalance due to visibility of Ukies compared to invisibility of rebels, is exacerbated by the fact that the civilians in the area, even when they are not combatants, serve more as eyes and ears for the rebels compared to serving as eyes and ears for the Ukie Govt troops.

The Ukie Govt troops concentration of forces simply makes it easier for the rebels to turn them into casualties. The rebel dispersion of forces makes it difficult for the Ukie Govt troops to get to them.

The Ukies seem to have misunderstood the doctrine of concentration of forces. Although in some situations concentration of forces is advantageous, in other situations dispersal of forces is advantageous.

The numerical advantage and the concentration of troops ends up instilling a false sense of confidence in the Ukie Govt troops which works to their disadvantage.

Why have the Ukie Govt troops repeatedly been setting themselves up like sitting ducks in a shooting gallery in roads parking lots etc., only to be terminated by numerically inferior rebels hidden behind hills and trees and grass etc?

1. The Ukie Govt troops do not know the details and secrets of the topography of the wooded hilly land as well as the rebels, so they are afraid to venture therein.

2. Their vehicles that they are used to working with are not able to penetrate dense vegetation.

3. Their training and their weapons and equipment are not fit for the invisible penetration of dense vegetation.

4. Their focus on encircling and conquering cities and towns, makes staying on roads and out of the woods/tall-grass seem reasonable to them.

5. They are afraid of being trapped in the vegetation due to the locals acting as eyes and ears for the rebels.

Another example of Silliness on a road surrounded by dense vegetation:

Kiev fails to break Militia’s Donetsk defense. Ukrainian Officer: “I have never experienced such shame” | SLAVYANGRAD.org (August 12 2014), which in text describes ridiculous (would be funny if not so tragic) fatal adventure shown in video at: Volunteer battalions fought were unable to Ilovaysk

An 'iconic' example of a destroyed Ukie tank on a road surrounded by dense vegetation:

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Russian minister uses facebook to apologize for policies


5:08 AM 4/04/2014

I posted a version-2 of the Eurasian Haplogroups Table. This version includes rows giving data for Chromosomal Adam, the first haplogroup after Chromosomal Adam, Haplogroup I, and Haplogroup ancestors of I:

Eurasian Haplogroups- Time/Place Origin, Ancestor Haplogroup, Modern Incidence (V.2)

Also I produced and posted a map showing historic migrations of Eurasian Haplogroups:

Migration Roots of Eurasian Y-Haplogroups

I suspect that significant sources of animosity for the Russian east, amongst westerners are: about half the Russians are Haplogroup R1A whereas about half the westerners are R1B; and, whereas 20% of Russians are of the Siberian Haplogroup-N, less than one percent of the westerners are. Aside from these two differences, the Y-DNA and MtDNA haplogroups of the westerners and the Russians are very similar.

(best I can tell according to science as of now):

A Cameroon man who lived approx 350,000 BC is patrilineal ancestor (father's father's father ad infinitum) to all human males.

An Iranian man who lived 41,000 BC is patrilineal ancestor to all R1A, R1B, N and I-haplogroup males.

A North-Indian man who lived 38,000 BC is patrilineal ancestor to all R1A, R1B, and N-haplogroup males.

A North-Indian man who lived 18,000 BC is patrilineal ancestor  to all R1A and R1B males.

Early on in history, at a point near the southern edge of the Indus Valley, the ancestors of the I haplogroup (15-20% of Russians and the west) branched off from the eastwards path followed by the K-haplogroup which eventually gave rise to the R and N haplogroups. The I-precursor people chose to go Northwest into Europe instead.

The western fear of the Russian Siberian N-haplogroup and Russian Indo-Scythian R1A haplogroup conflicts with haplogroup history. The westerners adore the 'Nordic' I-haplogroup amongst them, this despite the fact that the R1B ancestry which characterizes the plurality/majority of these westerners, is more closely related to R1A and N than it is to Haplogroup-I.    


8:24 AM 4/05/2014

Feeling the need to review the history of the Eurasian haplogroups (the genetics of those now involved in the Ukraine squabble), and feeling dissatisfied with the available web-pages, I created a new information table:

Eurasian Haplogroups- Time/Place Origin, Ancestor Haplogroup, Modern Incidence

It was as usual a shocking surprise how much time and energy it took to produce this table. As usual, the sources resorted to were: verbose, careless re terminology, lost-in-details, inexplicably silent or laconic re important points, inexplicably verbose re secondary points. 

A large number of them, despite their energetic verbosities, did not understand basics such as, someone declaring that x percent of population y belongs to haplogroup R1, could mean EITHER that x percent of population y belongs to paragroup R1* (R1 without subsequent SNP mutations), OR that x percent of population y belongs to groups such as R1a, R1b, which are subgroups of R1. Hence they became confused re the data and made erroneous statements. 


4:29 AM 4/04/2014

This version expands the rows containing information regarding where in the world the given haplogroups found in Eurasia, score the highest in terms of percentage of population. Belatedly I began to realize that the Eupedia maps and info tended to be Euro-centric, which resulted in confusion re where in the world (as opposed to where in Europe) the given haplogroup scores the highest in terms of percentage of population.

Thoughts re West Europe vs East Europe Comparative Paternal Genetics

Imagine Germany, Ireland, England, & Scotland as one nation called GIES. The paternal Y-haplogroup genetics of this GIES nation symbolically, is a class of 20 schoolboys, of which: 13 are R (Scythian) haplogroup; 4 are I (nordic) haplogroup; 1 is E North-African haplogroup; one is J (Caucasian) haplogroup; and one is G (Caucasian) haplogroup.

Russia's paternal lineage can also be imagined as a classroom of boys: 11 R-haplogroup; 3 I-haplogroup; 4 N (Siberian) haplogroup; one E haplogroup, and one J-haplogroup. 

The Russian class could be changed into a class identical haplogroup-wise to the GIES class simply by: transforming two of the four N-group Siberian boys into R-group-boys; transforming one of the four N-group Siberian boys into an I-boy; and transforming the fourth N-group Siberian boy into a G-group Caucasian boy.

Though it's been said that R1A and R1B are like two sides of a coin, the idea that there is a big paternal genetic difference between Russia and the hypothetical GIES nation is based on nothing but: distinguishing R1A and R1B as two separate groups; and, seeing the 20% Siberian N-group presence in Russia as radically altering things.


5:47 AM 4/03/2014

Genetics of Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Ireland, England and Scotland Compared

I have created a couple of new tables describing the paternal and maternal genetic information available for Russia and the Ukraine. Also added for comparison purposes is such info for Germany, Ireland, and Britain.

For each haplogroup also shown are places where the given haplogroup has its highest percentage, and links to haplogroup maps.

Y-Dna Haplogroup Data for Russia, Ukraine, Germany, 
Ireland, England, and Scotland v1 

Russian, Ukrainian Mtdna Haplogroups & Haplogroup Capitols v1


12:29 AM 3/17/2014

Civilian Gentile Casualties in Nazi-Occupied Territories 

Some say, actions speak louder than words, the Nazi leadership may have spoken genocidally, but the rank and file of the German army was not like them, so the Germans actually did not behave as badly as they are said to have behaved.

Thinking regarding the events in the Ukraine, I wanted to find out the facts, regarding what happened  to the civilians under Nazi occupation. I felt that what with the emphasis on Jewish civilian casualties, we had all been left in the dark regarding Gentile civilian casualties. 

Note: this is based on sources I found in the internet.

Nazis occupied a Russian territory containing 70 million persons for two years. During this occupation according to stats found on the internet, they killed 1 million or 33 percent of the Soviet Jews, and caused 9 million gentile civilian deaths (13% of the gentiles in the occupied territory, 4.5 million per year, 12.3k/day) due to war and war-crimes, and 5.9 million gentile civilian deaths (8% of the population)  due to famine and disease. At the rate they were going, had the Nazis stayed in the occupied USSR until 1956 instead of until 1943, they would have exterminated the non-Germanic gentiles in the USSR territory they occupied by 1956. And that's assuming there would be no further deaths from famine.

Tne Nazi Occupation of Poland, continued for 6 years, from  1939-45. The Nazi-occupied territory contained 7 million Gentiles. Of these one million were expelled to the east. Of the remaining 6 million Polish gentiles, 2.6 mill were murdered by Nazis (43%), whilst another 400k (7%) died due to famine/disease caused by Nazis. This in 6 years, meaning a rate of 7% of the civilians killed each year by war/war-crimes (1200/day, 433k/yr), which would have resulted in (even assuming no further deaths from Nazi-caused famine/disease) all of the Polish Gentiles in German-occupied Poland being killed by 1953 had the Germans not left in 1945.



10:21 PM 3/11/2014

My homework regarding the Ukrainian Crisis for tonight.

I have built a graphic showing various maps of the Ukraine (the maps have been scaled, one is a composite I created:

Ukraine Maps Collection- March 2014

One can see, that the current ethnic linguistic and political divisions in the Ukraine, have roots going back at least c. 450 years (about 20 generations), at least back to 1570 AD. These divisions split Ukraine into, roughly speaking, a Ukrainian area west of the Dnieper river and a Russian area east of the Dnieper river.

The eastern Ukraine area, became a part of the Ukraine, in 1922 when Vladimir Lenin led the USSR, after the USSR won the post-WWI battles which decided the fate of the Ukraine (as of now I feel mystified regarding what this eastern Ukrainian area was called before it was added to West-Ukraine by Lenin). Crimea, a southern peninsular component of the east-Ukraine area, was added to the Ukraine in 1954, as a gift from the Ukrainian Kruschev, who at that time led the USSR.

The present-day Ukraine is an almost exactly proportional enlargement of the Ukraine of 1654 (360 years ago, about 16 generations ago); the 1654 Ukraine spanned both sides of the Dnieper; modern Ukraine's sense of unity between east and west Ukraine is rooted in the Ukraine of 1654. However the Ukraine of 1654, contradicted natural divisions between east and west that existed before 1654 and are almost exactly mirrored geographically now in the year 2014.

Ukraine has a history of suffering enslavement, exploitation, massacre, war, and famine, due the the activities of outsiders upon Ukrainian soil; hence it is somewhat natural for Ukrainians to fear exploitation by outsiders.

West Ukrainians fear exploitation (becoming a financial victim) at the hands of Russians and East-Ukrainians. East Ukrainians fear exploitation at the hands of Western-Ukrainians. Both sides fear being exploited by Europe. Many Ukrainians fear Nazis and/or Jews.

Note: I base these statements on sources which I have some trust in, but which may not be entirely correct.

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