Saturday, January 15, 2005

corporate world seems crazily credulous re personality tests

I was stunned to hear of how most of the corporate world uses personality tests of the MBTI Briggs-Meyer type.

People are capable of responding to personality test questions dishonestly, spitting out the answers they think others want to hear.

The use of such personality tests by corporations, makes sense, perhaps, if if the corporations are pretending to use them so as to for public relations purposes hide the real processes behind decisions from the public. Otherwise the use of such tests, does not make sense.

Problem is, that although I might be more intuitive than sensing, I might still be more sensing than some other guy, who is more sensing than he is intuitive.

Problem is, that although I might be more thinking than I am feeling, I might still be more feeling than some other guy, who is more feeling than he is thinking.

Problem is, that although I might be more judging than perceiving, I might still be more perceiving than some other guy, who is more perceiving than he is judging.

This credulous personality test if it does indeed exist in the corporate world, is probably a sign of a loss of common sense produced by the emphasis on credentials (the exec is the moron with the MBA not the genius with the BA).

This personality test mania is like the enthusiasm for astrology, which is still going strong after all these years, simply because the descriptions of past current and future life for those of various astrological signs, could describe the past present and future for most people regardless of their astrological sign.

You can even find a list of heroes and heroines who share your personality type, the same way you can massage your ego by doting on stars who have the same astrological sign as you do.

Guess what? I am an INTJ, the same Briggs-Meyer personality type as Ayn Rand, Ludwig Von Mises, Alan Greenspan, and Hannibal Lecter! That is, an introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging type. By way of psychic experience, similar to ESP, I know for a fact that Christ was the Son of God. But no--I'm the atheist Ayn Rand, the jew Alan Greenspan, the atheist Von Mises, the serial murderer Hannibal Lecter!
I'm an INTJ like Eisenhower, Isaac Newton, and Augustus Caesar! Jan 14 05


@2005 David Virgil Hobbs


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