Thursday, December 30, 2004

Dreams: Decline of the beauties event; 666(?) war



There was this big get together in some place like a football stadium, there was an area at least the size of a football field, filled with people sitting on the ground tightly packed together talking, as in when they sit on the ground to watch fireworks displays on the Fourth of July. Alot of them wore brown sweaters or blue jeans, they were dressed as if for coldish weather. This crowd contained by a long shot, more beautiful white women than any other such event both in percentage of crowd and also in absolute terms; at this event they (the beauties) did not hide or act mean, they showed up, they became plentiful and numerous. The people in this crowd were being sociable and talking.

This event became famous as an event where you could find lots of beautiful white women being nice and sociable: white women a large number of which were sexy and beautiful, who were sitting on the ground, packed tightly together, being sociable and talking; it was the hip smart fun place to be.

There was a pretty white woman, around five feet ten inches in height with shortish straight brown hair, who was athletically built, and attractive, who had some kind of job serving all the people at this get together. This woman worked hard at her job; one time it was like it was raining outside, but it was raining liquid clay, and though this woman was soaked in this gray liquid clay that was raining down, she was helping this man who was near the event and in a car that was soaked in this gray liquid clay.

This event, which became popular and famous as an event where you could socialize with and be around large numbers of beautiful white women, eventually changed in character over time. As it became famous, it began to attract a low mean and ugly type, and the beautiful women began to avoid it. It became an unpopular event. As it lost popularity, I had less work at this event, I had gotten some work there. Although the amount of work I was given there declined I still had a little work there, I was honored, I was given these expensive looking books to carry in a dignified respected procession in which I had an honored place, but which was not very high-profile, that occurred at this event.

Outside on the highway outside this event, the pretty lady who worked at this event, had left her car stationary on a lane in a highway that had about four lanes going in each direction. She had left it stationary in the left most lane on one of the four lane roads. Then she had gone to work at the event. After working at the event she went outside at night and got into her car. The whole time her car had been left stationary on the highway, for several hours, but not been hit or towed. After she returned to her car and got into it, and closed the door behind her, another car from behind plowed into her, and telescoped neatly into her, so that the end result looked like one car only longer than most cars. This woman who worked at the event was killed in the crash. As I bicycled past the crash scene, I was thinking to myself, that, I had left my car in a similar position, highway for about a day also, but my car was never hit and I was never injured.


After I got up in the morning the day before new year's eve, In the afternoon I lay down and fell asleep. It was sometime between 1 and 430 PM, and I had a dream.

This dream started with a segment that I left out when I first posted the blog. It seemed like an insignificant segment that could be misinterpreted. Then again, the dream might be misinterpreted worse if the segment was left out. In this first segment, I was at a college track meet. This pretty, white female athlete, who I'll refer to as EG, who exists in real life, was looking up at me and smiling at me. She looked exactly the way she did in real life one time, she smiled at me exactly the way she did in real life, it was like a replay of real life. In real life I have heard a rumor that she'll marry me. She is an excellent athlete. In another dream I dreamt that she is a very good person. She has a "great" body. The first segment was just her smiling at me. Then in the dream I went home and...

In the next segment in the dream, I wanted to look at photos of these soldiers who had been in the army when I had been in it and there had been a war that they and I had fought in. I could not find much info on these soldiers anywhere. The best I could find was a web page on the internet that had these thumbnail links that were so small that you could barely see the faces in them. I clicked on the links, and photos of different white male soldiers opened up in a new page. In this dream, the time on the clock when I looked at this web page was 6:66. It was 66 minutes past the hour of 6.When I awoke I was thinking that often when I glance at the clock or wake up, the time is 3:33, but the number 666 has shown up in my dreams twice now. If you think of 666 as in one sense meaning two divided by three the elemental symbol of majority, which could be one interpretation of my number and is my original interpretation of it, the inverse is that 333 represents God or one divided by three the elemental symbol of minority.

RE this dream, some will be quick to use it to condemn me. What can I say? If you take dreams as gospel truth, which is something people who are sort of empty inside are inclined to do, even then the dream does not paint me as the devil. Weird how people who are empty, because they are so sceptical about everything like religion and God, completely lose their scepticism when it comes to dreams. All I can say is to remind the reader, that (I believe) that sometimes dreams reveal truth and sometimes they are gibberish. And sometimes they are probably a mix of gibberish and revelation.

I wonder whether this edit of this blog-post, will replace the original or just be a new post. Help sections are so hard to navigate and understand that the best way to find out is to just post this. Then we shall see if this edited version of the original supplants the original post or becomes a new post in and of itself.


The other time that number showed up, was in a dream I had in which these 4 beautiful white women I know of, who are all very strong, and who rumor has it all have an interest in marrying me or have blurted something out to this effect when in my presence, together formed a no-holds-barred wrestling team. This no holds barred wrestling team won the world championships or the national championships in the sport by beating a men's team composed of men from the World Champ New England Patriots football team. They beat them in a sport that was called Stone-Age War Re-enactment or something, the sport featured the two teams fighting as if in the stone age, with four contestants on each side. All four of the women on this winning team, ranked sixth in something. After I had this dream, I wondered whether it meant that there was something wrong with me having a relationship with these four women or any one of them, because all four ranked sixth in something, and I wished I could talk to some wise psychologist-priest who could explain to me the significance of the four sixes.

Seems like a downside to understanding the inspiration of certain scriptures of old, is that one can end up becoming too worried about numbers in dreams and taking dreams too seriously.

Outside on the high


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