Friday, March 14, 2014

Ukraine Cities Data Table

I have created a first version of a table giving data and links for the leading cities of the Ukraine. I will use this blog-post for updates regarding new versions.


March 19, 2014:

Added: Small artistically packaged maps showing location of each region and town for towns with football/soccer teams. Reminds me of the effort put into small details by the artists creating miniatures for the Mogul emperors. 


March 16, 2014:

Added: Table-rows for Russian-dominated towns in Russian national colors; table-rows for towns featuring rough Russian/Ukrainian balance in colors that are midway between Russian and Ukrainian colors.

Ukraine Data Table 2014 V3


March 15, 2014:

Added translations of the names of the top sixteen Ukraine soccer teams (indispensable anthropometric input). Table looks fine in IE8.

Doctor Easterneuropinsky: "Oone-a cun now see-a, besed oon Hobbs' trunsleshun ooff Ukreeeniun succer teem names, thet Ukreeene-a is all about, hydru-ilectreec poower creeted by reevers roosheeng down heell, beeeng hernessed tu prudooce-a ilectreecity used tu ingeeneer metel prudoocts, und zee succer-pleyeeng men infulfed in thees prucess".

Ukraine Data Table 2014 V2


March 14, 2014:

I have created a first version of a table giving data and links for the leading cities of the Ukraine:

Cities of the Ukraine v1

I consider the table to be more than a presentation of information. It is also a work of art. Nowadays we have excellent computer tools that we can use to produce art that conforms exactly to scriptures that declare that we should not create images of things found above in the sky, or on earth, or below in the sea.

Yet so few persons show interest in using the new tools to create works of visual art.


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