Saturday, February 08, 2014

Which Winter Olympians I'd Choose for a Friend

I got to thinking, if I was a billionaire, and I had to hire some Winter Olympics male athletes to do the job of being my friend (I don't mean gay sex servant) and assistant, who would I hire? I looked at the photos of the athleted that were available as of February 7, and came up with a list of nine Olympians who I would bring in for an interview based on mugshots alone (did not know the heights/weights of the athletes). Seems to an extent I chose men who resemble friends I've had in the past who I've felt comfortable with. Looking at my off-hand initial notes, seems what I value in men is: an ability to intellectually and humbly appreciate things that actually matter:

Klemen Bauer Slovakia,
Looks like smart friendly MIT assistant professor
6'0" 170 lbs Biathlon
Justin Dorey Canada
Looks like bearded good guy
5'11", 176 lbs. Freestyle-skiing
Alexander Edler Sweden
Looks like folksy neighborhood swede light beard/mustache
6' 4" 220 lbs, ice hockey
Moritz Geisreiter Germany
Looks like bespectacled clean-shaven chicago kraut
6' 7" 216 lbs. Speed Skating
Lars Nelson Sweden
Looks like humble smart clean shaven blond whose goofy hairstyle can be fixed
5' 11", 170 lbs, cross-country
Maxence Parrot Canada
Looks like feminine but intelligently humbly appreciative of things that matter. clean shaven. After all honor father and mother comes down to honoring things that are honorable.
5' 11", 154 lbs. Snowboard.
Alex Tasias Spain
Looks like clean-shaven hispanic able to step beyond hispanicism
6' 0" 174 lbs. Alpine Skiing
Timothy Randall Canada
Looks like humble intelligent ability to appreciate worthwhile stuff, heavy black beard, looks capable of fierce loyalty.
5' 10" 231 lbs Bobsleigh.
Henrik Tallinder Sweden
 Looks like very smart macho upbeat professor with light beard mustache. a professor Cawelti.
6'4", 216 lbs. Ice Hockey


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