Monday, December 16, 2013

Spratly Islands- resort paradise turned into war zone?

I heard there was a danger of WW III breaking out over the Spratly Islands, these tiny islands in the ocean in between Vietnam and the Philippines. So I read up on the Spratly Islands. Some of them are occupied by this country, others by that, and the countries involved cannot agree re which island legally belongs to who. The various Southeast-Asian nations are building things like air-strips for landing military aircraft, helipads for landing military helicopters, anti-ship missile emplacements, anti-aircraft missile batteries, listening posts, radio communications stations on the islands, which seem to be on average about the size of a football field.

Looking at the info, what has happened in the islands seemed strange to me. To me it seemed like, the Spratly Islands, would be an excellent place for building paradisical type resorts, featuring social interaction amongst the elites of the nations that border the Spratly Islands:  Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei (by elites I was thinking in terms of those who are elite in characteristics such as voice, personality, appearance, intelligence, the arts, and the appreciation of such).

I was thinking, if you built the Spratlys into a multi-national Southeast-Asian paradisical resort, then a Westerner like me could hop on a a plane and land in the Spratlys, and get a quick dose of the culture of several different Southeast Asian nations in one quick fell swoop.

(Seemed to me):

You could build resorts on the Spratlys where the best of all the cultures surrounding the Spratlys could come together to mix, to develop, to flourish. You could: expand the among of land area on a tiny football-field-sized island such as are many of the Spratly 'Islands' by the use of clever shallow-water land-reclamation-type engineering; dock boats and floating platforms near an island; build up a structure to several stories high, maybe several stories deep, so as to get more out of an island.

If I were a Southeast Asian, I would see the Spratlys as a place to build hip nightclubs hotels and restaurants where I could go to meet fellow Southeast-Asians who were from neighboring nations other than my own.

The nations that surround the Spratleys are on average about 500 miles from the Spratlys; hence residents of those nations should be able to travel those 500 miles by luxury cruise-ship type boat in just 18 hours, by plane in just an hour, or by helicopter in just 3.5 hours.

But instead, the engineering hidden in their minds is an engineering that exploits very small islands, by way of submarine bases located in the underwater portions of the submerged hills the peaks of which are the islands.


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