Blather re MA Senate election
This email just in from Senator Billy Jo Blather, regarding the April 30
2013 Massachusetts Senate Special election:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 3:58 AM
Subject:Th' Massachusetts Senate Eleckshuns
The esteemed Dave Virg Hobbsey:
Ah have been watchin' th' hono'able kindidates fo' Senato' in
Massachusetts wif great conservative interest, an' Ah's pleased t'note thet they
is unanimously in favo' of gay marriage.
We haf pushed through th' legalizashun of gay marriage. So now, all
yo' single macho dudes out thar who haf a brotherhood-type non-sexual friendship
wif some man who is like a brother t'yo', now haf a great noo oppo'tunity.
Eff'n yo' git married up wif t'yer buddy, yer buddy kin now git on
t'yer health insurance plan fo' free! An' eff'n yo' git married up wif t'yer
buddy, yo' an' yer buddy kin git tax breaks!
But eff'n yo' corntinue on in th' old-fashioned way, like they used
t'have when taxes an' wages were high, featurin' yo' an' yer buddy jest bein'
like non-sexual pre-pubicoid brothers an' not gittin' married, why, no health
insurance fo' yer buddy! Fry mah hide! An' eff'n yo' corntinue on jest bein'
unmarried up wif buddies, why, no tax breaks fo' yo'!
-- Senator Billy Jo Blather
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