Blather attacks 'career politicians'
Senator Blather has sent me a web-page describing a recent speech of his. The speech promotes a strategy for dealing with what Senator Blather considers to be a disease: "career politicians". I suspect that the speech was motivated by Blather becoming jealous of Gabriel Gomez the MA senate candidate. I do my best to reproduce the page sent by Blather here:
Home > Press
Statement By Senator Blather On Visit By Moms Demand Action Against 3rd-party Broadcasts In America
Monday, May 6, 2013 Print E-Mail Share
DALLAS – U.S. Senator Billy Jo Blather (R-TX) today issued the following statement after the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action Against 3rd Party Political Broadcasts visited his state office to thank him for his support of 3rd Party Broadcast Control legislation.
"Mah brilliant noo ideas thet nobody thunk of befo'e, is like th' invenshun of th' wheel, Ah reckon. Two noo sech ideas: the USA is in decline on account o' career politicians haf taken on over; an', we need term limits t'prevent varmints fum developin' into career politicians.
Whuffo' does we haf "career politicians"?. Whut is th' roots of th' "career politician" problem? Docktor Easterneuropinsky an' Ah have scientifically looked into these matters.
We haf come t'some tentative emphatic cornclushuns. Our unnerstan'in' is at th' Phd level; th' analytical skills we haf applied is far superio' t'them of mere college grads. Ah quote fum Docko' Easterneuropinsky's latess publicashun:
Senetur Blather und I, now can see-a thet zee most impurtunt cause-a ooff cureersus politicus (cummunly known as "career politician") deeseese-a, is democracy (Easterneuropinsky, et al, 2012, 2013a,b). Lookeeng at zee lifes ooff famous high-impact-on-society leeders, ve-a deescufered thet "career poleeticiuns" almust alveys rise-a up (p < 0.00001) in nations vheech are-a demucreceees. Ve-a can state-a veet a high degree-a ooff cunffeedence-a (p for trend = 0.13), thet compared tu zee rest ooff zee vurld,societies seetuated in zee Uneeted States ooff Emereeca, are-a much more-a inffected veet cureersus politicus. Zee subcohort composed ooff Persons vhu are-a emungst zee most admired in zee vurld, sufffers a very steteesticelly seegnifficunt (p < 0.00003), ixtremely high, rate-a ooff "career politician" deeseese-a. Cunfersely, zee subcohort composed ooff those-a vhu are-a zee most despised und hated people-a in zee vurld, injoy a low rate-a ooff cureersus politicus (99% C.I). Zee impleecashuns ere-a unmeestekeeble-a. For now ve-a cuncloode-a, thet ve-a must insteetoote-a zee followeeng meesures in oorder tu combat career puleeticiun deeseese-a: eradication ooff zee demucratic form ooff gufernment; ileeminashun ooff persuns living in zee Uneeted Stetes ooff Emereeca; leequideshun ooff admired persuns; und, zee prodocshun ooff persuns vhu are-a hated und despised.
Ah translate th' last sentence fo' yo', into no'mal inglish : "Th' implicashuns is unmistakeable. Fo' now we cornclude, thet we muss insteetoote th' follerin' measures in order t'combat career politician disease: eradicashun of th' democratic form of govment; eliminashun of varmints livin' in th' United States of America; liquidashun of admired varmints; an', th' produckshun of varmints who is hated an' despised".
Now fo' some examples of famous men of achievement who had real jobs an' were not career politicians, an' men of achievement who were pathetic career politicians.
Even Jesus Christ hisse'f, was defeated by Judas Iscariot. Now, a man who kin defeat Jesus Christ, is a real man, as enny fool kin plainly see. Judas, throughout his life, was nevah a career politician. He was a treasurer fo' a Christian group. Judas is on th' all-time most hated list. Judas was nevah a politician.
Benedick Arnold, who comman'ed Wess Point, is famous fo' betrayin' America durin' its war wif Britain. Befo'e he joined th' Conneckicut militia, startin' as a cappain, he was a hardwawkin' internashunal businessman, who protested aginst taxes an' refused t'pay taxes. Benedick Arnold was a real man, he recovahed fum advahsity in business, an' was a war hero. Benedick Arnold is on th' all-time most hated list. Benedick Arnold was nevah a politician.
Attila th' Hun, was was leader of th' Hunnic Empire, which stretched fum th' Ural Rivah t'th' Rhine Rivah an' fum th' Danube Rivah t'th' Baltic Sea. Attila is on th' all-time most hated list. Attila, was nevah a politician.
Durin' th' apostolic age th' Roman Empire was th' one great power of th' wo'ld. Th' Roman Empero' Caligula, reigned 37-41 AD. Caligula was known fo' his cruelty, extryvagance, sexual pervahsity, insanity, an' tyranny. Caligula is on th' all-time most hated list. Caligula was nevah a politician.
Vlad th' Impaler, known as Count Dracula, was a Romanian ruler of 600 years ago. He has been praised as a heroic fighter aginst th' Muslims. Prio' t'ascendin' t'th' throne of Wallachia, Dracula studied combat skills, geography, mathematics, science, Slavonic, German, Latin, an' th' classical arts an' philosophy. Dracula is on th' all-time most hated list. Dracula was nevah a politician, as enny fool kin plainly see.
So yo' kin see, how we haf evidence provin' thet th' wo'ld's most hated varmints, varmints who did not live in democracies, haf shown an impressive immunity, thet protecks them fum bea-comin' infecked by th' 'Career Politician' disease.
Now Ah provide evidence provin' our hypothesis, in th' fo'm of facks regardin' min who were career politicians.
Teddy Roosevelt became US President in 1901. He is on the dawgoned-est most admired Americans list. He was a politician fo' 21 years befo'e he became President.
Ole Man Franklin Delano Roosevelt became US President in 1932. He is on th' all-time most admired varmints in th' wo'ld list. He was a politician fo' 22 years befo'e he became President.
Abraham Lincoln became US President in 1861. He is on th' all-time most admired varmints in th' wo'ld list. He was a politician fo' 26 years befo'e he became President.
Winston Churchill became British Prime Minister in 1940. He is on th' all-time most admired varmints in th' wo'ld list. He was a politician fo' 40 years befo'e he became Prime Minister.
John-Boy Q Adams became US President in 1825. He is on the dawgoned-est most admired Americans list. He was a politician fo' 44 years befo'e he became President.
"Lookin' at these five politicians, yo' kin obsarve thet we haf evidence indicatin' thet th' 'Career Politician' disease is likely t'infeck, an' is spread by: American leaders, democracies, th' wo'ld's most admired varmints, an' Englishmen".
Home > Press
Statement By Senator Blather On Visit By Moms Demand Action Against 3rd-party Broadcasts In America
Monday, May 6, 2013 Print E-Mail Share
DALLAS – U.S. Senator Billy Jo Blather (R-TX) today issued the following statement after the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action Against 3rd Party Political Broadcasts visited his state office to thank him for his support of 3rd Party Broadcast Control legislation.
"Mah brilliant noo ideas thet nobody thunk of befo'e, is like th' invenshun of th' wheel, Ah reckon. Two noo sech ideas: the USA is in decline on account o' career politicians haf taken on over; an', we need term limits t'prevent varmints fum developin' into career politicians.
Whuffo' does we haf "career politicians"?. Whut is th' roots of th' "career politician" problem? Docktor Easterneuropinsky an' Ah have scientifically looked into these matters.
We haf come t'some tentative emphatic cornclushuns. Our unnerstan'in' is at th' Phd level; th' analytical skills we haf applied is far superio' t'them of mere college grads. Ah quote fum Docko' Easterneuropinsky's latess publicashun:
Senetur Blather und I, now can see-a thet zee most impurtunt cause-a ooff cureersus politicus (cummunly known as "career politician") deeseese-a, is democracy (Easterneuropinsky, et al, 2012, 2013a,b). Lookeeng at zee lifes ooff famous high-impact-on-society leeders, ve-a deescufered thet "career poleeticiuns" almust alveys rise-a up (p < 0.00001) in nations vheech are-a demucreceees. Ve-a can state-a veet a high degree-a ooff cunffeedence-a (p for trend = 0.13), thet compared tu zee rest ooff zee vurld,societies seetuated in zee Uneeted States ooff Emereeca, are-a much more-a inffected veet cureersus politicus. Zee subcohort composed ooff Persons vhu are-a emungst zee most admired in zee vurld, sufffers a very steteesticelly seegnifficunt (p < 0.00003), ixtremely high, rate-a ooff "career politician" deeseese-a. Cunfersely, zee subcohort composed ooff those-a vhu are-a zee most despised und hated people-a in zee vurld, injoy a low rate-a ooff cureersus politicus (99% C.I). Zee impleecashuns ere-a unmeestekeeble-a. For now ve-a cuncloode-a, thet ve-a must insteetoote-a zee followeeng meesures in oorder tu combat career puleeticiun deeseese-a: eradication ooff zee demucratic form ooff gufernment; ileeminashun ooff persuns living in zee Uneeted Stetes ooff Emereeca; leequideshun ooff admired persuns; und, zee prodocshun ooff persuns vhu are-a hated und despised.
Ah translate th' last sentence fo' yo', into no'mal inglish : "Th' implicashuns is unmistakeable. Fo' now we cornclude, thet we muss insteetoote th' follerin' measures in order t'combat career politician disease: eradicashun of th' democratic form of govment; eliminashun of varmints livin' in th' United States of America; liquidashun of admired varmints; an', th' produckshun of varmints who is hated an' despised".
Now fo' some examples of famous men of achievement who had real jobs an' were not career politicians, an' men of achievement who were pathetic career politicians.
Even Jesus Christ hisse'f, was defeated by Judas Iscariot. Now, a man who kin defeat Jesus Christ, is a real man, as enny fool kin plainly see. Judas, throughout his life, was nevah a career politician. He was a treasurer fo' a Christian group. Judas is on th' all-time most hated list. Judas was nevah a politician.
Benedick Arnold, who comman'ed Wess Point, is famous fo' betrayin' America durin' its war wif Britain. Befo'e he joined th' Conneckicut militia, startin' as a cappain, he was a hardwawkin' internashunal businessman, who protested aginst taxes an' refused t'pay taxes. Benedick Arnold was a real man, he recovahed fum advahsity in business, an' was a war hero. Benedick Arnold is on th' all-time most hated list. Benedick Arnold was nevah a politician.
Attila th' Hun, was was leader of th' Hunnic Empire, which stretched fum th' Ural Rivah t'th' Rhine Rivah an' fum th' Danube Rivah t'th' Baltic Sea. Attila is on th' all-time most hated list. Attila, was nevah a politician.
Durin' th' apostolic age th' Roman Empire was th' one great power of th' wo'ld. Th' Roman Empero' Caligula, reigned 37-41 AD. Caligula was known fo' his cruelty, extryvagance, sexual pervahsity, insanity, an' tyranny. Caligula is on th' all-time most hated list. Caligula was nevah a politician.
Vlad th' Impaler, known as Count Dracula, was a Romanian ruler of 600 years ago. He has been praised as a heroic fighter aginst th' Muslims. Prio' t'ascendin' t'th' throne of Wallachia, Dracula studied combat skills, geography, mathematics, science, Slavonic, German, Latin, an' th' classical arts an' philosophy. Dracula is on th' all-time most hated list. Dracula was nevah a politician, as enny fool kin plainly see.
So yo' kin see, how we haf evidence provin' thet th' wo'ld's most hated varmints, varmints who did not live in democracies, haf shown an impressive immunity, thet protecks them fum bea-comin' infecked by th' 'Career Politician' disease.
Now Ah provide evidence provin' our hypothesis, in th' fo'm of facks regardin' min who were career politicians.
Teddy Roosevelt became US President in 1901. He is on the dawgoned-est most admired Americans list. He was a politician fo' 21 years befo'e he became President.
Ole Man Franklin Delano Roosevelt became US President in 1932. He is on th' all-time most admired varmints in th' wo'ld list. He was a politician fo' 22 years befo'e he became President.
Abraham Lincoln became US President in 1861. He is on th' all-time most admired varmints in th' wo'ld list. He was a politician fo' 26 years befo'e he became President.
Winston Churchill became British Prime Minister in 1940. He is on th' all-time most admired varmints in th' wo'ld list. He was a politician fo' 40 years befo'e he became Prime Minister.
John-Boy Q Adams became US President in 1825. He is on the dawgoned-est most admired Americans list. He was a politician fo' 44 years befo'e he became President.
"Lookin' at these five politicians, yo' kin obsarve thet we haf evidence indicatin' thet th' 'Career Politician' disease is likely t'infeck, an' is spread by: American leaders, democracies, th' wo'ld's most admired varmints, an' Englishmen".
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