Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Vision of Cop Angel Letter I wrote and sent out during College

When I was in college, I had written up a religious exhortation and distributed it. Then I had a vision about the letter I had written. The vision about the first letter, and the content of the first letter, composed the second letter.

Page 1 of the letter can be found at:

Vision of Angelic Christian Cop I had in College Letter

Page 2 of the letter can be found at:

Page 2 Vision of Angelic Christian Cop I had in College Letter

One reason I have kept this letter to myself for several years, is that I feel people have been misinterpreting it.

The words re 'Christ vs marijuana etc' mean that I feel that Christ can help people to overcome the problem of overuse of marijuana, and problems such as the wrong person using it at the wrong time. The words are not intended as a blanket-condemnation of all cannabis use.

Words such as "Can the Soviet Union stand before a Spirit-filled army?", were never intended to stir up violent bloodthirsty hatred for the Soviet Union. What I meant was that a spirited army would be able to help the Soviet people move on to higher more mentally transcendental levels, without violence.

The general tenor of the main paragraph emphasizes how the Spirit can be attained to mentally without first having done so-called 'good works'. But it should be kept in mind that the audience I had in mind, was composed of fellow-college students, youths just starting out in life who had not had much of a chance to do either good or bad.

Regarding the fact that St. Paul received the Spirit three days after he repented of persecuting the Church, I point out in the 'Additional Notes', that St. Paul persecuted the Church in good conscience, and had always been a conscientous man prior to his moment of Christian epiphany.

Seems some people have failed to appreciate this letter. Personally, I have come to believe that one of the good qualities of the letter, is that it illustrates how all the different qualities of God, or all the different qualities of a prophet-like person, are combined into one personality, similar to how various ingredients are combined into a soup.


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