Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Semitism Also an Ism

We hear complaints about "anti-semitism".

As if Semitism, was not also an ism.

Semit-ism resembles race-ism. The Semites, are a race.

Tykes adopt the grand strategy of accusing others of what they are guilty of, likewise it seems,
the anti-anti-semites.

In international trade and investment economics, race X can take advantage of another race Y by suppressing race Y's racism while secretly and or outwardly promoting its own racism.

Those who complain and accuse others of "antisemitism", imply through their words and actions that:

There is something wrong with not being a Muslim or a Jew (Semites are Muslims and Jews).

There is something dishonorable about valuing criteria such as criteria by which Semites are outscored by blacks, mongoloids, indo-europeans, and non-Semitic non-indo-european Caucasoids (such as the natives of europe the Aryans mixed with when the Aryans wandered hither and thither and maybe back hither from thither). Non-Semites often outscore (though a judge might not admit it) Semites in terms of voice personality intelligence and appearance.

There is something honorable about valuing criteria other than the criteria in which Semites are defeated by other races, criteria such as, umm umm... number of hookah bars per capita, lack of marital passion in women, number of persons who secretly follow the mystery cult religions of their ancient forefathers, etc etc.

Yet I confess, that I suspect that there are significant numbers of "Semitic" Iraqis, who are generous and friendly people, and who are not haughty.

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


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