Thursday, March 30, 2006

Indo-european origins of the so called "chosen people"

The big hoopla about the Jews being the chosen semitic people has been continuing. So I decided to re-address the issue of the origins of the ancient Israelite people, who, I aver, were not founded by flying saucers from New York.

The temple of Solomon, closely resembles temples of the Phoenician city of Tyre, and the Hebrew religion resembled the Phoenician religion. The King of Tyre helped Solomon build his temple. The Phoenicians were basically, in origin, Greek Indo-europeans. The indo-european settlement of the region containing Palestine, preceded the ancient Israelite settlement of Palestine. The Luwians, an indo-european tribe that resembled the ancient Israelites, were famous in the area directly to the north of what was ancient Israel, before the Israelites became famous in Palestine.

The Phoenicians such as the Tyrians, though indo-european in origin, adopted the local Canaanite languages when they settled in Canaan. Yet clowns talk as if the fact the Israelites spoke a Semitic language, proves that they were Semites.

The indo-european Aryans who settled in northwest India, bringing with them the Vedas, worshipped God without the use of images; the Israelite religion, in contrast to the religions of the nations ancient Israelite clashed with, abhorred the worship of images.

Christ's teachings and some of the teachings of the Old Testament, resemble the teachings of the indo-european Iranian Zoroaster who preceded Christ by a few hundred years. You could argue that Christ's teachings resembled the teachings of Zoroaster at least as much as they resembled the teachings of the Old Testament.

St. Paul's teachings, resembled the teachings of Valmiki who wrote the indo-european Indian epic the Ramayana a few hundred years before St. Paul wrote his letters. You could argue that St. Paul's teachings resembled Valmiki's teachings more than they resembled the Old Testament and almost as much as they resembled the teachings of Christ. Valmiki talks of conscience, but I do not find the word conscience in the translations of the Old Testament and the words of Christ.
The Mitanni, a group closely related to the Indian Aryans, were famous near the Palestine era about the time that the ancient Israelites colonized it.

The name of Christ as recorded in the New Testament Greek, is "Yayzoos", this was the name used by the Church prior to Jerome's translation of the Bible. Yayzoos sounds like Yes (indo-european Germanic) Zeus (indo-european Greek). His actual name may have been somewhat different, due to difficulties translating Hebrew names into Greek; nevertheless it is significant, that the inspired writers of the New Testament, wrote out his name as "Yayzoos", without making any effort to explain how his name was actually pronounced. Poseidon, the Greek God of the sea, was worshipped by the Phoenicians of Tyre who were friends of Solomon and helped Solomon to build his temple.

So my estimate is that the Israelites, branched off from the proto-indo-european group at an early time when Israel, the Vedics, and the Greeks, were all still part of the proto-indo-european group and had not yet departed it. I say an early date, because looking at the language and the genetic trees you can see that the time when Greek, Israelite, and vedic were united in one people, was a time that was the beginning of the stage of proto-indo-european history featuring proto-indo-europea breaking apart into a diaspora of tribes. The Israelites having branched off from the proto-indo-european homeland group at an early time, they were away from it for a long time, and the proto-indo-european part of their history was a classical period, a period before any of the major components of the proto-indo-european group had left their homeland.

By way of contrast, the branches of indo-european that left their proto-indo-european homeland group at a later date, spent less of their history alone away from the homeland mix of components of the proto-indo-europeans, and more of their time, in a proto-indo-european mix of component peoples, in which some of the tribes were missing because they had already left the homeland.

Thus with those who branch off early such as the Israelites, you get a mixd of isolation from brother tribes, combined with an early history featuring all the brother tribes being present. But with those who branch off at a later time in history, their history contains less time alone isolated from brother tribes, and more time spent so to speak, with a family of brother tribes from which some of the brother tribes were missing.

Thus, one would expect the tribes that branch off early from their brother tribes, to reflect the character of the confederacyt of tribes with all the brother tribes present, because they reflect a mix of time spent alone, preserving and continuing that which they already are, with an early formative history in which all the brother tribes were united.

Ancient Israel having indo-european roots, and the Jewish Christians blending into the gentile populations,are historical events that signify to those who respect Christ and the Christian religion, a pattern wherein that which was indo-european and great in ancient Israel, naturally continued on into a version of Judaism, Christianity, which one could call true Judaism, Christianity, which promoted a blending of this great indo-european element in ancient Israel, with gentile indo-europeans.

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


Blogger An Coats said...

What an utter load of bollocks..........

7:45 PM  

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