Friday, March 10, 2006

Re "not Christianity...they're being Arabs...Jews are great"

Someone has said, "Christians are transforming themselves into Arabs, they're being Arabs, they are betraying the great Jews in their confrontation with the sub-human Arabs, therefore Christianity should be suppressed".

For now let us avoid the question whether the Arabs having wealth is good for the world.

The statement assumes that what is good for the Jews, is good for the world; and it assumes that what is bad for the Arabs, is good for the world. It ignores the possibility that there might arise forces that are good for the world, that have some level of negative impact on the social and economic status of Jews.

The statement ignores the possibility that there might exist, forces that have a positive impact on Arabs, and that also have a positve impact on the world.

Yet, if we were to behave and think as if what is bad for a given group in the world is always bad for the world, and as if what is good for a given group is bad for the world, we would err by hyper-dogmatically favoring group A and disfavoring group B while stirring up aggression by A and aggression vs B, this in a world where aggression consumes valuable time energy and money and triggers events that can lead to catastrophe.

The idea that all that is bad for A is good for the world, and all that is good for B is bad for the world, would lead us into an unscientific blindness wherein we ignored all policies detrimental to A or beneficial to B.

The statement that Christianity is bad because Christians promote Arabism, simply assumes that the promotion of Arabism is more common or intense amongst Christians than it is amongst non-Christians. This is bad science, and bad sciience in one subject leads to bad science in other subjects. Where is the proof of this? Throughout history Jews have been persecuted by peoples who were not Christian, and did not even bear a resemblance to Christians.

The majority of the Arab oil consumed in the world is consumed by non-Christians. The more powerful the Jews have become in the USA and in the world, the larger the trade surpluses rung up by the Arab oil producers have been. This kind of person who claims that force X has caused a phenomenon when actually force Y is the cause, creates confusion; they create the kind of conditions in which men can be swindled.

Christianity is an idea, a complex idea that is hard to understand, a difficult sport that is hard to perform. Must we trash Christianity as an idea, simply because certain of those who call themselves Christians misbehave? There are those who pretend to be Christians, and those who pretend to not be Christian.

How would you feel if you wrote an inspired, brilliant book, and it was suppressed because 55 percent of those who read the book misbehaved? How can it simply be assumed, that the Christian, would be a better man if he had not been exposed to Christianity? Christianity is but one of many forces that shape a man's conduct; there is the man's free will, tnere is the man's genetics, and there are the environmental influences aside from the Christian influence.

It does not make sense to ban an idea, and to assume an idea is an evil force in the world, simply because many who profess to adhere to the idea, fall short of the high and hard to understand standards set by the idea. Should the idea the earth is round, be discarded because most evil-doers these days believe the earth is round? Should good, excellent, beautiful songs be banned because the majority of those who like these songs misbehave? Should an advanced difficult form of Karate be prohibited from being taught because only a small minority are able to master it?

The lack of logic and the leaps of faith in the slogan "not Christianity...the Christians are being sub-human Arabs...Jews are great people" are lapses of logic and dogmatic leaps of faith that can infect important subjects aside from the Christianity subject. It is alarming that Christianity should be attacked based on such dogmatism and illogic. Some weak personalities might be concerned regarding the hurt to their feelings caused by Christian scripture, but what bothers me is the damage done to their fellow man by those who despise Christian Scripture, the damage done by those who promote such scorn of scripture.

It is unreasonable to expect Christians to simply assume, that they would be better off as slaves of Jews, than they would be a slaves of Arabs, or than they would be were they to promote a balance between Arab and Jew. How can you expect Christians to assume that it would be better for them the Christians to be dead, as opposed to being alive and friends of Arabs?

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


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