Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Rationalizations for Mass Murder Do'nt Hold Water

Various individuals and groups can be suspect of various things. That does not mean we know the individual/group is guilty; it means we suspect them to be guilty. We might suspect them to be guilty of good qualities or of bad. I suspect that one reason the USA civilization is in material and spiritual decline, is that Jewish males get offended by the natural camaraderie Jewish females find with gentile males. Gentile males can get to the point where they are spiritually high, their civilization can become a high civilization, such developments can be a factor leading to socializaton between Jewish females and gentile males, partly because the Gentile male is rightfully considered to be honorably charming when his natural charm is brought to the surface when his civilization is doing well.

So since there are good qualities to gentile civilizations, as we can see from the fact that so many of the leading Jewish ladies prefer gentile men, we are right to feel alarm over the destructive jealousy in Jewish males, that we suspect influences them to break down charming Gentile civilizations that are flourishing materially and spiritually, thereby turning these great Gentile civilizations into pathetic, ruined ghosts of what they used to be and what they could have been.

In the days of the Davidic monarchy, the rich were not justified, in the eyes of the inspired prophets of those times, if they murdered persons who were not rich and their representatives such as the inspired prophets. In the eyes of the prophets, the rich, and in the eyes of the Mosaic law, the rich could not excuse such murders on the grounds that they the rich murderers, felt that their victims might shift power away from themselves.

Yet now there is a powerful strain of thought, that declares, "the modern rich have the right to murder in democracies", because democracies steal from the rich, and theft is a violation of moral law just as murder is.

This murder excusing strain of thought does not stop and think: "the rich were not excused to murder because they felt their victims might steal from them in old monarchical times; so then therefore how can they feel excused to pre-emptively murder those who they fear might steal from them in democracies?"

This murder excusing strain of thought does not stop and think: "kind of silly, that those who are at least above average in the sense that they have broken the moral and legal laws more than the average man, should strike at the average man on the grounds that the average man might steal from them".

According to Romans, a government that "takes vengeance on the evil-doer", is a government that persons should honor and obey, even if it comes to paying tribute, similarly to how in ancient times priests such as Moses collected taxes to be spent on religious activities. There is nothing in this scripture to indicate, that a democracy that "takes vengeance on the evil-doer" is unworthy of said obedience and honor.

The idea that the rich have a right to murder persons, simply because the planet earth we live on is in danger of becoming unhospitable to human life due to pollution created by the progress of civilization, strikes me as offensive. It is obviously very possible to forestall excessive atmospheric pollution without resorting to mass murder on a gigantic scale.

That persons should oppose honorable efforts to reduce global pollution, and then use said global pollution as an excuse to promote the extermination of 90 percent of the world's population, I find to be absurd. I have gotten tired of individuals and groups who are addicted to playing the old worn out corny Hegelian game of promoting something and then leading the charge against that thing that they themselves have promoted. This kind of promoting phenomenon that are then suppressed, is obviously an extreme inefficiency in global society; it reminds you of an island where the people wasted their time energy and money building walls which they then condemned and tore down.


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