Saturday, June 04, 2005

princetonian, materialistic kid, woman's thoughts re marriage -- dreams

In the dream I saw this young white lady from Princeton U., she was flying up and down in the semi-darkness sort of like a pole vaulter. She was tall over six foot and yellow haired. She was it seemed fairly attractive in the face. Her hair fell to about three inches past her shoulders. She was admired by Rush Limbaugh. She wanted me. she wanted me in a social romantic type sense.

I saw a child, about eight years old, in a suit, pinkish face, white race, dark brown hair, on a subway type train, in the semi-darkness. Though he was only eight, he was hyper-materialistic, enamored material posessions, shiny objects and the like.

I went from one place in the semi-darkness to another carrying a suitcase, by the time I got to the destination most of the stuff in the suitcase had slipped out of it.

I saw a certain white young woman from the Boston area, this (artificial hair color?) redhead I ran into at the Exxon, about four yards below me, and about a couple of yards away from me in the semi-darkness. She looked up at me, her hair seemed medium brown not red, she was prettyish looking without being typically pretty, intelligent looking, she reminded me of this intelligent white woman who is average height like her and who is more typically pretty in terms of prettiness than this redhead is.

Looking at her in the darkness below me, I got an understanding of what goes on in the mind of a woman when it comes to thinking about marriage. I understood how a woman figures that she and the man in question both have only a short limited amount of time on this earth, she only has about one marriage in her lifetime, she only lives once, and so a marriage is a special thing and so a special person should be married. The woman figures that this specialness of marriage, requiring marriage to a special person, transcends government regulations promoting monogamy. This, I understood, is how women such as this redhead think when it comes to marriage. And I thought it strange, that certain vocal opinionated persons, see marriage between a man and a woman, as exclusively a question of whether the man in question is committing a sin by entering into the marriage. Such commentators never see things from the point of view of the woman in question; they do not see the matter through the woman's eyes, they do not consider the woman's thoughts noteworthy or important. Whereas it could be, that the morality of the man marrying the woman, would look different if the woman's thoughts were taken into account.


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