Saturday, May 21, 2005

Is the Tequila-cured influenza rooted in areas where the Agave plant grows?

Let F = a type of debilitating influenza that at this point in history is not known to have seriously disrupted civilization anywhere, that is cured by Tequila made from the Agave Plant.

Let A = the Agave plant.

Hypothesis: F originates in areas where Agave naturally grows.

Humans have been able to prosper despite F, in areas where there is F, through Agave.

This is why quite possibly F originates where there is A as an antidote; because human civilization has so far been able to prosper despite F, we are not at this point in history aware of F having seriously disrupted civilization anywhere, and this would be less likely if F, was geographically rooted in an area where there is no A. If F was rooted where there is no A, it would be more likely that F would have already seriously interfered with the survival of human civilization somewhere.

When it comes to looking at debilitating diseases that at this point in history have not seriously disrupted human civilization anywhere, looking to areas where such diseases geographically originate, we might be likely to find natural antidotes for such diseases; looking to areas where natural antidotes for such diseases are found, we might find the geographical origins of such diseases.

@2005 David Virgil Hobbs

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