Sunday, January 23, 2005

Dream about a Harvard re-union

In the mail yesterday, I got some DVD or something recording a re-union of people who went to Harvard University college with me. Somehow I did not even know about this re-union. Then when I fell asleep I had a dream about some kind of Harvard reunion.
In the dream, I was on the Harvard University campus. It was some kind of re-union. I was surrounded by men I went to Harvard with. We were all wearing the same jacket, as if we were on a sports team; the jackets were white with crimson stripes. My white jacket, got dirty looking very easily and quickly; it had lots of light brown dust colored marks on it. Though I was not treated with arrogance by the other Harvard men, and did not feel inferior to them, and though I felt healthy, strong, honorable,respectable, intelligent, and handsome, and though I felt  respected and honored by my fellow Harvard men,  for some reason my job was to pick up things like empty coffee bag wrappers that were left here and there. This was because I had to prove to someone that I could do basic stuff before being assigned more advanced stuff. 
Either during the dream or after, I was thinking to myself the following thoughts: how crazy it is this idea propounded by people like this psychiatrist (who says I am "profoundly intelligent" and "angelic") I have talked with,  that I should have to prove that I can do the most basic things, before being allowed to do more advanced things, simply because I have been away from the workplace, working for others, for a while...I have had many jobs already in my life in which I have already demonstrated that I can do basic things...the work that I have done on my own has been very impressive in the eyes of other persons...Even college grads who have hardly ever had a job, are not expected to demonstrate that they are able to do the most basic thing before they go on to more advanced things.
These Harvard men I was with and myself, were involved in doing things like riding around in a big white van, our activities somehow resembled the activities of troops in Iraq, riding around here and there, there was something military about it.
At this re-union like event, there was some kind of choice between being on this or that side of the Harvard campus. I chose to be on the side of the campus near the football stadium. This side was near a train track or something that ran into adjoining areas, it was near all these cozy charming looking shops that were arranged side by side, together with apartment buildings, in a cozy and charming looking way, in these modern looking gray buildings that looked like something between an irregular combination of rectangles and a pyramid. These shops had cool looking electric signs that were not garish looking. The way the shops and the residences were arranged together was attractive; but looking at them I felt, that as attractive as the arrangement was, I still for some reason would not want to live amongst these shops and apartments; because, there was something missing. Human warmth, heart, atmosphere generated by such, were missing amongst these shops and apartments, cozily and charmingly arranged as they were.
There were some significant details in the dream that I could not later remember. 



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