Thursday, June 04, 2009

Riddle--the decline and fall of Emerico Ribner

Mr. Qeronimo was an American Indian. He married Jaffa Rasputin, who was half Jewish and half-Russian. they had a daughter named Jane R Qeronimo. She was like a mix of American Indian and white.

Mr. Efrico Rebelez was half-black and half-Spanish. He married Ebonya, who was black. They had a son named Ed Rebelez, who was black.

Ed Rebelez married Jane Qeronimo, they had a daughter named Elaine Queronimo JR Rebelez.

Mr. Rabble was a British white man, he married a white Irish woman named Roberta. They had a daughter named Rory Rabble who was white.

Mr. Ribner was a German-ancestry white man, he married Ingrid who was a white lady from Sweden. They had a son named Ian Ribner.

Ian Ribner who was white, married Rory Rabble, who was white. They had a son named Inderson R.R. Ribner, who was white (boldface=two paras I accidentally left out even after proofreading several times).

Elaine Rebelez on her father's side was 3/8ths black and 1/8th Spanish, on her mother's side she was 2/8ths American Indian, 1/8th Russian, and 1/8th Jewish. Basically she was about half-black.

Elaine looked like the mix of black and American Indian and white that she was. She was a light-skinned black with American Indian features.

As for Mr. Inderson Ribner, his ancestry was simpler: white, a quarter British, a quarter Irish, a quarter German, and a quarter Swedish.

Mr Inderson Ribner was put in the awkward position of a blind date with Elaine Rebelez. He took comfort in knowing that at least her mother's grandfather was Mr. Rasputin who was white; and her father's grandfather was a white Spanish gentleman Mr. Rebelez.

Inderson Ribner married Elaine Rebelez, they had a son named Emerico Rebelez Ribner.

Emerico was 70% white, if you count Russian, Spanish, and Jewish as white; he was 20% black, and 10% American Indian.

Emerico looked like a light-skinned black, or a dark-skinned white; handsome, with caucasoid features influenced by his American Indian ancestry.

Emerico had a distinctively American look, he had the dignity of a natural American. He was a great basketball player who appeared on national TV in the college finals. He was a good musician, gifted with a great voice for singing. He was a likeable and popular young man.

But something went wrong. He did'nt make the pros in basketball. Studying and working both fatigued him. He wasn't a fast thinker, or good at memorizing things. His parents divorced. And Emerico began to fall apart.

Emerico's father Inderson Ribner began to have secret doubts about having married Elaine Rebelez, Emerico's mother. He secretly began having guilty thoughts such as: "my ancestors were great white men but my son is a negro; if we treat blacks as just like us as I have, soon we will all be black".

Emerico while using his father's computer stumbled across text in which his father had written out his secret thoughts. Emerico looked in the mirror and for the first time felt shame regarding his skin color and the texture of his hair.

Emerico and his father Inderson turned to drink. They spent the family savings. They borrowed and spent. They sold what they had and spent the proceeds. And now Emerico and his father Inderson Ribner, totter at the point of collapse.

Some say it is all because the two of them both think Emerico is black because Emerico is 20% black, and feel guilty about helping to turn the world's white people into blacks.

Explanation of Riddle:

Emerico = USA

First letters of names, sometimes second or third letters of names, initials in names = Y-dna haplogroups.

Original link re US Y-dna haplogroups:
The above link is now a broken link. Now to get the paper in question:

@2009 David Virgil Hobbs

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