Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Un-Islamic Evil Existed Before There Was an Islam

Listening to the Islamophobe elements in human society, you would think that all evil issues from Islam, you would think that in the absence of Islam there would be no evil in the world, you would think that there is nothing worse than Islam, you would think that Islam has no good qualities to it, you would think that all Muslims are identical to each other.

Time for a reality check. The fact of the matter is, that before there ever was an Islam, human beings were committing diabolical acts against other human beings and going to hell for it.

Before there was any Islam, the people who in those days were special in the eyes of God, the ancient Israelites of 3000 years ago, a people very different from the modern Jews and Israelites, were given a mission to fight with certain peoples whose culture had become degenerate, not on the grounds of racism but on the grounds that these people's culture had become ungodly.

These people the ancient Israelites were sent to fight against, posed tremendous dangers to ancient Israel. These people the ancient Israelites were sent to fight against, were very different from the people of "Islam". As a matter of fact, at least much of the Islamic world today, is closer to ancient Israel than it is to ancient Israel's enemies.

Before there ever was an Islam, the Assyrians attacked and conquered ancient Israel. These Assyrians, were pagan; much of the modern Islamist world resembles ancient Israel more than it resembles their enemy ancient Assyria. The ancient Assyrians, were renowned for their cruelty, impailing alive by the thousands those who dared resist them.

Before there ever was an Islam, Israel was conquered by its enemy ancient Persia, which was a merciful conqueror, and which allowed Israel to rise again from the ashes. According to the scripture, God held hands with Cyrus the king of ancient Persia to guide ancient Persia into godly ways, even though this Cyrus the king of ancient Persia, despite being led by God, did not know God. Much of modern Islam has more in common with ancient Israel than it does with even the kindly ancient Persia.

Before there ever was an Islam, according to scripture, Jews were going to hell for sins such as abuse of their fellow Jews; and also pagans and Christians were ending up damned for their sins.

Before there ever was an Islam, both Jew and Christian suffered terribly under the cruel persecutions perpetrated by pagan ancient Rome. Much of modern Islam, has more in common with the Jews and Christians meanly attacked by ancient pagan Rome, than it does with ancient pagan Rome.

The Book of Revelation, speaks in symbolic form of evil empires of ancient days wickedly persecuting the Church. It is foolish to think, as many self important hubristic American Christians do, that the Book of Revelation's symbols refer exclusively to current and future events, as if mankind of antiquity, contemporaneous with the author of the Book of Revelation, was somehow less important in God's eyes than modern mankind. The Book of Revelation was written before Islam ever even came to exist. Much of modern Islam, is closer to the Christians persecuted by the "beast" of Revelation than it is to the persecuting "beast".

The modern world of "Islam", is not a homogenous monolith. Wide variety is to be found in the world of Islam in terms of belief, attitude, and practice. It is too bad that fanatically anti-Islamic elements in the world have deliberately and also accidentally contrary to their wishes, set in motion events that have strengthened the lower elements in modern Islam while weakening the higher.

The sad reality people stick their heads in the sand to avoid, is that the modern enemies of Islam, have alot in common with the empires renowned for their wickedness and cruelty in pre-Islamic times.

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


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