Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Modern Treatment of Addicts & Mentally Ill Incompetently & Disastrously Loses Human Souls to Hell

The end result of the war on drugs, combined with govt meddling in who has to learn what where in order to practice medicine, combined with laws that favor people who sue treatment facilities over the treatment facilities that are sued, is (IMHO as of now etc) that souls that could be saved are lost and end up suffering horrible tortures, such as becoming like unto insects frying alive in a frying pan forever, all the while knowing that their torture will continue forever. Meanwhile much of the medical world continues in errors such as atheism, predestinarianism, determinism, everything that happens is God's will-ism, denial of free-will-ism, what a person does does not effect his spiritual condition-ism.

I realize that putting resources into helping the damned as opposed to helping the saved can be a form of disorder--but this kind of loss of souls from a certain point of view could be more important than say a medical care program that extends the average lifespan by five years or a government initiative that increases a corporation's stock value by ten percent. A certain fraction of the mentally ill are not damned. What we are essentially talking about is not a choice between putting resources into helping the saved vs helping save the damned, but rather a choice between expending resources used to deal with "mental illness" in one way or in another way.

The mental health and drug addiction treatment programs that we now have, be they administered by one MD or an entire staff, be they inpatient or outpatient are basically, as far a I can tell, a failure. When you compare the mentally ill and addicts who do not go through these programs to those who do, the difference is almost insignificant. People end up being "cured" to "some extent" for a limited amount of time. And the treatment programs pay not attention to the whole question of changing a person from being someone who is damned, into being someone who is saved.

I find it monstrous, that the somnolescently fat and happy government coddled and protected medical profession (they enjoy an artificially low supply/demand ratio as only they are allowed to practice medicine) never bats an eye over this tragic problem--the sheer disastrous incompetence of modern psychiatry wwhen it comes to the important task of changing people from people who are damned into people who are saved.

The so called war on drugs, is actually a war on certain drugs with a bias against natural "drugs", which has created an imbalance in society that harms society similarly to the way biological imbalances harm ecologies, in that the (mostly natural) substances that tend to get people off the path to hell on to the path to heaven are banned, while (mostly synthetic) drugs that tend to have no effect or make things worse in terms of the patient's spiritual condition are promoted.

It is monstrous in the extreme, that special interests should promote substances and ideas and behaviors that tend to get people into hell, simply because they believe that people being hellish will result in greater profits for them than people being heavenly will.

Modern psychiatry is obsessed with basically getting patients high on this or that pill, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This approach contradicts and defies what people through common sense and experience already know, that being high on something 24 hours a day 7 days a week usually leads not upwards but downwards.

There are certain types of patients who now are treated with small-talk sessions with psychiatrists, and with currently psychopharmacological substances, who (IMHO) could benefit through programs in which patients are forced/encouraged/bribed/etc to: engage in some aerobic exercise such as jogging regularly; study the Bible and pray regularly; live a life featuring mental and physical chastity (no porn masturbation fornication etc etc); experience quiet (minimal radio TV recorded audio/video); consume hashish or some similar religiously psycho-active substance at regular intervals as opposed to constantly (every 4 days?); engage in spirit-friendly activities such as Bible reading, sports, walks visiting great cathedrals etc.

I realize society has become ridiculously favoritist in the sense of favoring the "disabled" over the "abled" but what I advocate is that the progams of the type I describe in the above paragraph, be open to both the "sane" and the "insane" and both the "disabled" and the "abled".

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


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