Monday, August 14, 2006

Humans Banding Together in Self Destructive Profit Maximization Groups

The USA today reminds me of:

20 men on island named Yahweh Bay (population 100), banded together to form the "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun". This Corporation was strictly bound by law, to maximize profits for the 20 shareholders who were all inhabitants of Yahweh Bay. And so the "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun " faithfully went about the job of maximizing profits for its 20 shareholders.

"Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun" succeeded in producing $10,000 of profits per year for each of its shareholders. "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun", strictly adhered to its legal mandate to maximize profits. It dutifully bribed govt officials; it grimly assassinated political opponents (three of the wives of the stockholders of "Faifful Trest" died in one of these assassinations); it corrupted the youth of the island to make sure that they would buy Faithful Trust's products and not get in the way of Faithful Trust's attempts to maximize profits; it devastated the island's food supply because the food supply got in the way of profits; it poisoned the air and the water and the land on the island because being ecologically harmless reduced profits and left the island's inhabitants healthy enough to protest against the operations of Faithful Trust Corporation; it got the island entangled in military altercations because the fighting enhanced profits and kept the island's inhabitants too busy to bother with legislating against "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun" (in the process seven of the children of the stockholders of "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun" were killed in various expeditions); it made sure that the doctrines of the Church on the island were corrupted to a sort of pagan/heretical hedonism so that the congregation of the Church and the rest of the islanders would not do silly ethical things that got in the way of profits.

Problem is that in the process of faithfully in a trustworthy manner strictly adhering to its legal mandate to maximize profits, "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun" set in motion events that reduced the on-the-job non-Faifful-Trest earned income of its 20 shareholders from $100,000 per year before Faifful Trust Corporation was legally constituted, to $5,000 per year after this "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun" became operational, because it the "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun" strictly adhered to its legal mandate to maximize profits, and to hell with how much money people earn in their jobs.

Thus the total average earned on the job income of the 20 shareholders of "Faifful Trest Co'po'ashun" fell from $100,000 to $15,000. Faithful Trust also got the island heavily indebted to foreigners (even though it used to be a creditor), and into a huge trade deficit, as a result of which with the passage of time the wealth and the income of the islanders and their ability to buy the things made by Faithful Trust declined to lower and lower levels along with the profits of "Faifful Trest". This had to do with the fact that lawyers and judges were inclined to see any concern for the long term on the part of the management of "Faifful Trest", as an illegal dereliction of the duty to maximize profits.

In the end due to the efforts of the Faifful Trest Corporation, 30 percent of the islanders on Yahweh Bay and 20 percent of the 20 stockholders ended up poisoned to death; 25 percent of the Yahweh Bay islanders and 10 percent of the stockholders ended up starved to death; 30 percent of the islanders and 10 percent of the 20 stockholders ended up as slaves; 15 percent of the islanders and 60 percent of the 20 stockholders ended up killed by a bomb dropped by a neighboring island on Yahweh Bay; most of the Yahweh Bay Islanders and Faifful Trest Corporation stockholders ended up dead and the rest as slaves; and 99 of the 100 inhabitants of Yahweh Bay ended up in hell while one was sentenced to six million years in Purgatory.

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


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