Sunday, August 06, 2006

911 Whodunit Mentality Distracts from Important Problems and Solutions

The 911 Conspiracy Theorists have become a mainstream force, now that a mainstream polling organization has reported that a third of Americans reject the government's version of events on 911.

What I now see, is a general weakness in terms of the critiques of the government that are being made, and I see this weakness as contributing to weakness in government. How can a nation have a good government, when the criticisms of the government are lacking in quality? I believe the criticism of the government lacks quality because it has become distracted by the question of exactly what happened on 911.

There are various possibilities in the eyes of various observers re 911.

Opinion 1: Some think that the US government, was dishonorably involved in 911, in that it either assisted in the attacks or allowed the attackers to succeed.

Opinion 2: Others think that 911 was perpetrated by approximately speaking the type of of people the US government says it was perpetrated by, without any help from their enemies the US govt.

Opinion 3: Then you have people who think that the US government did something clever and James Bond like by allowing terrorists to succeed and or assisting in the attacks, because such resulted in a patriotic fervor for war that in the minds of such observers is unfortunately lacking in the public in democracies at times when it is needed.

The US govt policy subsequent to 911 has been significantly defective in certain ways, whether or not you adhere to opinion 1 or opinion 2.

The US govt policy subsequent to 911 has also been significantly defective in certain ways, whether or not you adhere to opinion 1, opinion 2, or also even opinion 3.

Therefore high quality critiques of US govt policies, would of course not neglect those govt policies that have been defective whether or not your opinion is 1 or 2, and those govt policies that have been defective whether or not your opinion is 1, 2, or 3.

Both persons who hold opinion 1 and persons who hold opinion 2 could agree on what the best solution for improving a US govt policy might be.

Persons who hold opinion 1, persons who hold opinion 2, and also even persons who hold opinion 3 could agree that a given solution is the best solution for a given weakness in US government.

High quality critiques of US govt policy, would never ignore such solutions that all these different types of people could agree on.

It is incorrect to say that simply because someone in my nation holds some opinion I do not agree with, therefore my nation should self-destruct.

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


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