Monday, May 08, 2006

Brothers and Lovers of Men who lack Riches

Younger brothers are more naturally social than the ones born first.
The ones born first, spend the first few years of their lives alone.
And then they "prey" on the beautiful female classmates of their younger brothers.

The rich underestimate, what brothers and wives of men who are not rich,
do not underestimate, in their estimation of the men who are not rich;
they underestimate the feelings persons can have for the notrich,
they understimate the relative high quality of humanity,
that can be found amongst the notrich.

Then you have the some might say dykey wife, who was some think,
dykey enough to compete with her man, for her man's ladies,
by for example stuffing herself while depriving him of food...
but at least she was able to love him like a brother.

Able To get infected, with that exuberant feeling
a little brother can have for his big brother.

And so the girl and the brother forgot about the faults of the nation's allies,
and forgot about the virtues of the nation's enemies,
because they had gotten absorbed in the superiority
of their esteemed friend compared to the world,
absorbed in appreciating something
the rich and the foreigners do'nt always appreciate.

So what good did it do that the some might say dykey one
should betray her almost-worshipped one
to be a hyper-conservative, when hyper-conservativism,
doth not serve the roots of the semi-worshipped?

Yet she boasteth, that through her hyper-conservative what some might call betrayal,
she hath the wherewithal to fund philanthropies such as betrayed "first loves"?

Yet say I, how can it be, that a girl of fourteen and a boy of seventeen,should be kept apart whilst the girl is forced to associate with boys of her own age,when the entire world of science well knows, that girls attain puberty about three years before boys do?

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


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