Thursday, April 07, 2005

American Dukeminier Property Law Dreams

Dreams of April 6

1 Night after April 5, I had a dream, in which I saw a web page, that was about a foot high and several feet wide; you had to horizontally scroll the page to be able to take in its contents. About the top eight inches of the page were text, and below this text, there were links. These were links to personal data regarding my finances and legal situation. One of the links was to foreclosure data. These links belonged to me, but some of them were taken away by Dukeminier the law professor. In the dream, Dukeminier the law professor, was about five feet tall, thin, with goldish-reddish straight normal length hair, clean shaven, appearing to be in his 40s, wearing a long sleeved light brown shirt and I think light brown slacks; he was not wearing a tie or a suitjacket.

In real life Jesse Dukeminier is the recently deceased (God excepting those for whom we should not ask such things have mercy on the souls of the deceased in the name of the Son Christ Yayzoos known as Jesus) UCLA law professor who is the overwhelmingly important authority on property law at American law schools.

2 April 6, after a long day studying Dukeminier on property law on the internet, I took a nap. For some reason I feel uncreative tired and dispirited in that gray afternoon and evening light; I think because of the sins committed by the denizens of the city during the daytime working hours, and so it is a time when I nap.

In the dream, I saw these internet search results for a Google search on Dukeminier, that like a Google search results page. The results were just page title after page title, no excerpts from the pages returned in the search results. There was page after page of these titles. These search results were not too useful to me; they were tiring me out. Then I began getting search results for a search on Dukeminier that showed the page title, and then a paragraph of text, about seven inches high, under the title. This paragraph of text contained references to various precedent setting cases of the past. These search results were much more useful to me than the results I was getting at the beginning which were title only.

3 In another dream I had the same time I had (2), After the sun had set I dropped in at the Club Caribe (a Boston nightclub that is now closed); I felt tall, strong, healthy, well-fed; I had a vew of my favorite drinks there; for once in my life I was actually enjoying drinking, as opposed to alcohol simply giving me an appetite and then putting me to sleep. At the Caribe I hooked up with the dancer I had seen there and experienced the angelic lust for. Then I hooked up with rich Liz and her sister for some kind or romantic social occasion.

4 In yet another dream I had at the same time approx that I had (2), sometime between 7 PM and 11 PM April 6, I dream that I was sitting next to President Dubya Bush, on a low elevation. We were sitting on a bench or ridge of earth that was about a foot high and about twelve feet long and flat on top. It was dark, you could see but just barely, you could see colors but they did not look bright you could barely discern the color of the object. A few yards from us you could see the blue water with little waves all over it, of some lake or ocean. Bush had places some kind of buoy out on the water. The purpose of the buouy was to transmit or receive electronic signals of some kind. I do not now remember whether it transmitted or received signals it did one or the other. Problem was that this buoy was not succeeding in accomplishing anything by transmitting or receiving the signals.


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