Monday, April 04, 2005

Dream after I had after rituals consecrating an Indian MD's new Office

Dreams of the night of April 3.

Yesterday in real life I was invited to participate in this ritual this India-Indian doctor was performing at his new psychiatry office out near Springfield Mass. So I attended his ritual, although I did not do certain things, that contradicted my own beliefs. They lit some candles, they put their hands together prayer style and bowed their heads to a little two dimensional color picture of the god with the elephant's head and the body of a fat man, while they said these long sanskrit prayers that were 3000 years old. They ate some Indian food that they had sacrificed to the elephant-headed deity, who in the piciture they used had reddish-brown skin. I did not eat any ot the food they sacrificed, I did not bow my head to the elephant head or put my hands together prayer-style in his direction. I sat there with them though, and after their prayers were said I recited the Gayatri.

The man performing the priest role did not put a red spot on my head rather he sort of sprinkled some of his holy water on me in a good natured way; I thought the way he did this was nice: no attempts to put me on the spot and make me feel awkward about having the red spot on the head. Then afterwards I had a healthy tasty vegetarian Indian meal of the type India is famous for at this doctor's house; I do'nt mind eating food so long as it is not sacrificed to a God that is not in my personal pantheon so to speak.

After I returned from this excursion for the consecration of the doctor's office, I went to sleep and had a couple of dreams.

Dream after MD Office Rituals

In the dream there was a line up of people, they stood in line waiting to get their chance to bowl a cricket ball, one after the other, they would bowl a cricket ball, in the direction of a catcher like player, who was about 22.5 yards away from the line at which the bowler would release the ball. The catcher like player, the wicket keeper, was thus to the best of my knowledge, a little farther away than he is in regulation play. I wanted to bowl some balls, but each person had to bowl a ball that was his own property; I did not have a ball, I kept losing my ball, the ball I had would become deformed, like a half of a ball, with a handle like depression in one side of the ball of the type you find in some glasses people like this Indian doctor drink Scotch in (and also the ball would become soft, like the earplugs I wear, and colored yellowish and purplish like the ear-plugs). Seemed often I would have a ball and get in line and the ball I had would be stolen or I would lose it.

These handsome, well built but short India-Indian looking youths in tight black T-shirts and tight black shorts lined up to take their turn bowling. At least some of them were the clean-shaven pretty-boy-handsome type, that is the impression I got because my eyes sort of randomly focused on one of these people in line. These youths in black were I think mostly males in their teens, below five ten inches in height, they were not fat; seemed (judging from the one of these in black I got a good look at) that their upper arms were husky and strong and cylindrical looking but not hard and well defined looking as in lots of reps in weightlifting. They reminded me of Christian priests.

Since I did not have a cricket ball I began walking in the direction of MIT to look for a cricket ball. In the MIT area there was this tall dark guy who looked like an Indian or a black, about six five inches tall, about fifteen yards away from me walking in my direction on Mass Ave; he too wore a tight black T-shirt and tight black shorts. The MIT area was crowded with Indians like the area, somewhere around Harvard, where they were having the cricket bowling was. In the MIT area I did not get a good look at anyone's face but in the Harvard area I got a good look at one of the faces. I looked for a cricket ball in the MIT area.

While I was in line to bowl a cricket ball, some people who were looking at me were thinking that I had never bowled a cricket ball. But I assured them that I had indeed bowled a cricket ball, I knew how to bowl a cricket ball. When I awoke I was thinking that I have that Commonwealth ancestry in me, the countries that play cricket. But I also have in me ancestry of countries that do not play cricket. Could it be that the ancestries of the countries that do not play cricket, is what has been showing up in me visually speaking as of late?

Second Dream after the MD Rituals

In another dream I was in this little bedroom I lived in, and a clean shaven white man, about average height, with normal length straight brown hair, a facial complexion that combined tan and pink, and a pretty-boyish handsome face, with extremely wide stocky shoulders, and who was not fat, and who wore a loose black T-shirt, was standing in the doorway. He said to me, "not Erin". He was telling me, that Erin should not be a wife of mine. When I awoke I was thinking that regarding a given person such as Erin, I have dreams in which I or people like that person, and at the same time I have dreams in which people sort of dislike the person. When I awoke I was thinking, not being the type who likes to be hostile with people, that most people do not have enormously wide strong soldiers I mean shoulders.


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