Friday, March 25, 2005

What is wrong with business law texts: a dream

In the dream, I saw paragraph upon lengthy paragraph, of text about business law. These paragraphs were very lengthy, around 800 words long. I saw them on a computer screen, black small font light-face Times New Roman on a white background. The first two or three words of each paragraph was in boldface. I think these paragraphs were paragraphs studied by JDJEDTJR the incarnation of law schools regardless of reputation. These paras dealt with various sub-subjects or sub-areas in business law.

Problem was, these paragrpahs were like a maze, as a result of which it was extremely difficult, to sort business law into various sub-categories so as to enhance the digestibility of the paragraphs and streamline the practical application of the info in the paragraphs in the real world of business law.

The paragraphs were such a maze, that my head begain to spin, and the power of my eyes to read the text grew weak.

I do not remember now exactly what it was about the content of the paragraphs and the way they were ordered in relation to each other, that turned the paragraphs into such a maze. But I have a general memory of it, and I think the description of what was wrong with the paragraphs that I shall now provide, will not contain any false "accusations" re what was wrong with the paragraphs in the dream, though it might not very accurately reflect the relative importance as faults of the various faults in the paragraphs.

The paragraphs were inconsistent in terms of definitions such as what subjects they considered to be part of a given subject inside of business law. The paragraphs conained lots of redundancy, several different paragraphs would all say the same thing; this had at least in part to do with the inconsistency regarding definitions of a subject. The paragraphs contradicted each other, due to their inconsistency re definitions such as the definition of what a given sub-area of business law is about. The paragraphs under-emphasized certain thinks while overemphasizing other things due to the inconsistency in definition.

When I awoke, I was thinking that these business law paragraphs, suffered from the same faults that I saw in BSBAALJR the incarnation of MBA schools regardless of reputation and projected as plaguing also MBA-land businesses: inconsistency and imprecision in definitions such as subject and specialty definitions leading to redundancy, contradiction, confusion, and neglect in study and actual business practice.

When I awoke I felt that the paragraphs in the dream reflected the same faults that I noticed in the extant databases re national and state statistics re court cases; I had noticed that the court cases data was in confusion due to inconsistency in definitions, reports focused on states that use a given data format, reports focused on given types of courts, and unaddressed state to state inconsistency re what kinds of cases are handled in limited courts, and lack of data on limited courts.

When I awoke I was thinking that after a few days of studying business law I came down with a cold, a cold which literally made my head feel like it was spinning, the same way my head was spinning from studying business law in the dream. But I had not attributed the onset of the cold to factors other than the study of business law.

@2005 David Virgil Hobbs


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