Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Netanyahu Congress speech condensed

2:47 PM EST 3/3/2015-- I figure things would turn out better if condensed versions of speeches and books and citations were more available. I think I retain more & understand better, when I read a competently condensed version of a thing with the extra words taken out. So here I present first my condensed version of Netanyahu's March 3, 2015 speech to the US Congress, and then a condensed extract re his youth in the USA based on the Wikipedia article:

Israeli PM Netanyahu speech to US Congress, March 3, 2015
Condensed to 1285 words (33% of original 3921 words according to Word Counter) from 

Note: The first defect in the speech that I noticed (aside from matters of belief): Mr. Netanyahu delved into the difference between the proposed agreement with Iran in its current form, and an alternative agreement he would prefer, without describing what policies are now in place with regards to Iran, which led to confusion. 


(Thanks to the United States)

Thank you...Democrats and Republicans, for your common support for Israel, year after year, decade after decade...no matter on which side of the aisle you sit, you stand with Israel...America and Israel, we share...the destiny of promised lands that cherish freedom...Israel is grateful for the support...of America's people and...presidents, from...Truman to ...Obama...We appreciate all that...Obama has done for Israel...like strengthening security cooperation...opposing anti-Israel resolutions at the U.N...in 2010 when we had the Carmel forest fire...he...agreed to respond to my request for...aid...In 2011, we had our embassy in Cairo under siege...he provided...assistance...his support for more missile interceptors...last summer when we took on Hamas...some of what the president has done for Israel might never be known, because it touches on...strategic issues that arise between an American president and an Israeli prime minister. ...Israel is grateful to...the American Congress...for...military assistance and missile defense, including Iron Dome... millions of Israelis were protected from thousands of Hamas rockets because (of)...Iron Dome... 

(History of Dangers Faced by Israel & World)

In...4,000 years...many have tried...to destroy the Jewish people. Tomorrow ...Purim, we'll read ...Esther ...Persian viceroy ...Haman... plotted to destroy the Jewish people... 2,500 years ago...Queen Esther, exposed the plot...The plot was foiled...Today the Jewish people face another...Persian potentate...Iran's...Ayatollah Khamenei...tweets in English that Israel must be destroyed...Nasrallah...leader of Hezbollah, Iran's...terrorist proxy (said) If...Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down...6 million Jews murdered by...Nazis were ...a fraction of the 60 million...killed in World War II...Iran's regime poses a...threat...to ...the...world... 

(History of Iran's Post-1979 Behavior)

People of Iran are...talented...one of the world's great civilizations...in 1979, they were hijacked by religious zealots...the zealots drafted a constitution...It directed the revolutionary guards...to fulfill...jihad. The regime's founder...Khomeini, exhorted ...to "export the revolution throughout the world"...Iran's founding document pledges death, tyranny, and the pursuit of jihad...as states are collapsing...Iran is charging into the void to do just that. Iran...in Gaza...in Lebanon...on the Golan Heights ...Backed by Iran, Assad is slaughtering Syrians...Shiite militias are rampaging through Iraq...Houthis are seizing control of Yemen, threatening...the mouth of the Red Sea...with the Straits of Hormuz, that would give Iran a second choke-point on the world's oil supply. Iran took...Americans hostage in Tehran, murdered hundreds of American soldiers...in Beirut...was responsible for killing and maiming thousands of American service men...in Iraq and Afghanistan. ...It blew up the Jewish community center and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires...helped Al Qaida bomb U.S. embassies in Africa...attempted to assassinate the Saudi ambassador...in Washington, D.C...Iran now dominates...Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Sanaa. ...if Iran's aggression is...unchecked, more will...follow. [my note- this could be said to be the result of US policy of the past; given the absence of the US policy of the past how would things be different?] ...

(Iran's Recent Behavior)

Two years ago, we were told to give...(Iran)... a chance...(Iran's) government hangs gays, persecutes Christians, jails journalists and executes...more ...than before. Last year,... (Iran's) Zarif...laid a wreath at the grave of...Mughniyeh...the terrorist...who spilled more American blood than any other...besides...bin Laden... Iran's regime is as radical as ever... ideology of Iran's...regime is...rooted in...Islam...this regime will always be an enemy of America... 

(Iran a Threat Despite Its Enmity for ISIS)

The battle between Iran and ISIS doesn't turn Iran into a friend...Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown...Both want to impose a militant Islamic empire...on...the entire world...there's no place for America or...Israel, no peace for Christians, Jews or Muslims who don't share the Islamist medieval creed, no rights for women, no freedom... ISIS is armed with butcher knives...Iran could... be armed with intercontinental...missiles...nuclear bombs...To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle, but lose the war... 

(Defects of Iran Deal Now Being Negotiated)

The deal...being negotiated ...will not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. It would...guarantee... Iran gets those weapons... The...concession would leave Iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure...a short break-out time to the bomb. Break-out time...time it takes to amass...weapons-grade uranium...plutonium for a...bomb. ...not a single nuclear facility would be demolished...centrifuges used to enrich uranium would be left spinning...disconnected...not destroyed. ...Iran's nuclear program...break-out time would be ...a year... if Iran's work on...faster centrifuges, is not stopped...break-out time could ...be shorter...Iran's adherence to...restrictions would be supervised by...inspectors...inspectors document violations; they don't stop them. ...North Korea turned off the cameras, kicked out the inspectors. Within...years, it got the bomb. ...within five years North Korea could have...100 nuclear bombs. ...Iran...defied international inspectors...on...three...occasions -- 2005, 2006, 2010...Iran broke the locks, shut off the cameras. ...Iran...plays...hide-and-cheat... Iran was...caught twice...operating secret nuclear facilities...that inspectors didn't...know existed. ...IAEA said in 2013..."If there's no undeclared installation...in Iran, it will be the first time in 20 years..." all the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program will ...expire in...a decade...Iran would then be free to build...many nuclear bombs. Iran...says...Iran plans...190,000 centrifuges, not...the 19,000...Iran has today...With this...capacity, Iran could make...an...nuclear arsenal... in... weeks...with...international legitimacy...Iran's...Missile program is not part of the deal...Iran could have the means to deliver that nuclear arsenal to...every part of the United States... 

(Future of Iran In Absence of Adequate Western Response)

I don't believe...Iran's...regime will change for the better...This regime has been in power for 36 years...its...aggression grows with each... year... ...Iran is gobbling up four countries...while it's under sanctions, how many more...when sanctions are lifted...when it has mountains of cash...?... it can enjoy...aggression abroad, prosperity at home... Iran will become...more aggressive...sponsor... more terrorism when its economy is unshackled and it's...given...the bomb...these neighbors...they'll respond by racing to get nuclear weapons ...A deal...to prevent...proliferation would...spark a...arms race...the Middle East would...be crisscrossed by nuclear tripwires... we'll face a...more dangerous Iran, a Middle East littered with nuclear bombs... 

(An Adequate Western Response Creates a Better Future)

We don't have to bet the security of the world on the hope...Iran will change... We...insist...restrictions on Iran's nuclear program not be lifted...as long as Iran continues its aggression... Before lifting those restrictions, the world should demand that Iran...stop its aggression...stop supporting terrorism...stop threatening...Israel...If Iran doesn't change...restrictions should not be lifted...Without...centrifuges...enriched uranium...heavy water facilities, Iran can't make nuclear weapons. ... Iran...can be rolled back...by insisting on a better deal and keeping...pressure on a...vulnerable regime, especially given the...collapse in the price of oil. ... if Iran threatens to walk away from the table...call their bluff. They'll be back, because they need the deal a lot more than you do...this is a bad deal...We're better off without it...we're...told...the only alternative to this bad deal is war...The alternative...is a...better deal...that doesn't leave Iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure and...short break-out time. A...deal that keeps...restrictions...in place until Iran's aggression ends...A...deal that won't give Iran...the bomb...One path...will...curtail Iran's nuclear ambitions for a while...but...lead to a nuclear-armed Iran whose... aggression will ...lead to war...a...better deal...would prevent a nuclear-armed Iran, a nuclearized Middle East... 

Netanyahu's Childhood & Youth in the USA
condensed (& embellished) from 

Netanyahu was born...1949 in Tel Aviv, to Tzila Segal (...1912 -2000) and Prof. Benzion Netanyahu (1910–2012), the middle of three children. He was...raised...in Jerusalem, where he attended Henrietta Szold Elementary School...Between 1956 and 1958 (age 7-9), and again from 1963 to 1967 (age 14-17), his family lived in...Cheltenham...Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, where he...graduated from Cheltenham High School...he...has retained his Philadelphia accent...Netanyahu studied at MIT between 1972 and 1977 (age 23-28), earning S.B. and S.M. degrees. After graduating from high school in 1967 (age 18), Netanyahu returned to Israel to enlist in the IDF... elite special forces... He took part in...cross-border...raids during the 1969–70 War of Attrition (age 20-21). He was wounded...on multiple occasions. He was involved in...Operation Inferno (1968, age 19)...rescue of the hijacked Sabena Flight 571 in May 1972 (age 23) ...shot in the shoulder...Netanyahu returned to the United States in late 1972 (age 23) to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He returned to Israel in October 1973 (age 24) to serve in the Yom Kippur War for a 40-day period....he fought in special forces raids along the Suez Canal, as well as leading a commando team deep into Syrian territory. He then returned to the United States and...completed an S.B. degree in architecture in 1975 (age 26) and earned an S.M. degree from the MIT Sloan School of Management in 1977 (age 28). Concurrently, he studied political science at Harvard University...he changed his name to Benjamin Ben Nitai (Nitai, a reference to both Mount Nitai and to the eponymous Jewish sage Nittai of Arbela...)...In 1976 Netanyahu lost his older brother Yonatan... killed...during the ...hostage-rescue mission Operation Entebbe in which his unit rescued...100 Israeli hostages ...flown to the Entebbe Airport in Uganda...At MIT, Netanyahu graduated near the top of his class...recruited as a...consultant for...Boston Consulting Group in Boston...working at the company between 1976 and 1978 (age 27-29). At...Boston Consulting Group, he was a colleague of Mitt Romney...In 1978, Netanyahu returned to Israel.


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