Sunday, February 08, 2015

Sexual Function Enhancement Cocktail

IMHO as of now:

Whipped up Sexual Function Enhancement Cocktail (SFEC)-1 off the bat using ingredients on hand at home (without buying anything new) after studying the matter on the internet:

[%RDA shown for some ingredients, %RDA are naturally derived from substance not vitamin injections into substance]
4T Wheat Germ Oil = 420% RDA Vitamin E
2T Cod Liver Oil= 102% Vit A; 600% Vit D RDA
2T Hemp Oil
1T Raw Cocoa Powder
1 powder-spoon (2/3 T) Barlean's Fruit Powder
3 Glutathione pills
6 Zinc pills
6 Magnesium pills

The oils pills and powders used in SFEC-1 all were in my possession before this first attempt at a SFEC. Thus they all have important purposes above and beyond any attempt at Sexual Function Enhancement (SFE).

The 8T of oils in this SFEC-1 concoction provide about 1000 calories. The cocoa powder, approx 24 cals. The fruit powder 34 cals. By way of comparison organic whole cane sugar, is 1T=45 calories. Sedentary (you get no physical exercise other than that required by normal day-to-day life) males aged 31-50 are presumed to require 2200 calories daily. Hence the SFEC-1 at approx 1100 cals, provides 50% of daily calorie requirement in and of itself, at a low volume of about 2/3 of a cup.

The high calories packed into a low volume produce a distasteful sleepiness and lethargy similar to that experienced after a heavy meal. Hence it becomes habitual to reject consuming SFEC-1 type cocktails.

If one is aware of the fact that a little 2/3rds of a cup dose of SFEC-1 represents a heavy 1100 calorie meal, one can:

 Accept a little lethargy subsequent to taking a dose as a natural part of life; reduce the lethargy by using the dose to substitute for a meal; & feel happy re having consumed the SFEC-1 not bummed out.

One could split the SFEC-1 into several small doses but this would defeat one of the purposes of SFEC-1: Deliberate overdosing with liquid Vitamin E.


Some may see this post as Lewd. By way of contrast, I see mankind plunged into an environment that is different from the environment mankind has experienced for 99% of mankind's existence. This environment contains poisons and imbalances that damage man's health. New methods are appropriate to new challenges. It is appropriate that the environmental forces impairing sexual function be counterattacked using new methods.

IMHO, the efficient optimal method for countering environmental toxins is not frenetic attempts to avoid toxins, but rather the mastery of methods that help the body's immune system to neutralize and expel the toxins.

This post should not be construed as an encouragement of 'perversion' or 'auto-eroticism'. Naturally, man's body becomes more priest-like when he abstains from all sexual activity, and more king-like when he is sexually active. A man without a wife can prepare himself for married life by doing things that will produce competent sexual performance when he is married, without resorting to auto-eroticism.

Yet it could be argued, that 'auto-eroticism' allows the experimenter (whose conscience does not condemn him) to experiment re the problem without irritating a female partner.


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