Monday, July 04, 2011

Huge Church Building Contains a Peace that Transcends all Human Misfortunes -- a Dream

Early in the morning of July 3 2011, I sent an email to Boston Pops conductor Keith Lockhart; the email was cc'd to some important people who will play an important role in the Boston 4th of July 2011 celebrations. Then in the afternoon I took a nap. While I was napping, the radio in the radio-alarm-clock started playing. It was tuned to 96.9 FM in the Boston area (accidentally, I find it difficult to choose what station it is on); some kind of talk show was on, the reception was staticky. The volume was loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to wake me up. I suspect that the noise of the radio had some impact on the dream I had, which ended at 3:19 PM on July 3rd.

In the dream:

I was walking down a road outside of Allahabad, India. Sasanka was walking with me. He was wearing the Indian loose white pajamas type clothing. We got to what seemed to be some kind of guest house and rested.

Looking outside the window, I could see what looked like boulders about 50 to 100 feet high, that had an approximately rectangular but jagged shape, sticking out of the flat plains off in the distance. I could also see, what looked like a gigantic church building that in terms of architectural style, combined Gothic and Byzantine characteristics; somehow I could tell that the dome roof of the building was approx at least a half a mile wide in diameter. Best I can recall, the huge dome of the building was a light green color.

The huge building which looked like a Gothic/Byzantine Church, was shaped like a cylinder topped by a dome. The cylinder shaped walls were made out of some dark, almost black colored stone. The cylinder shaped walls had tall, high narrow rectangular shaped structures sticking out ot the wall; these rectangular shaped structures ended at the top in a shape like a narrow pointed arch; it was these things sticking out of the wall that gave the building an architecturally gothic look.

The top of the awesome, enormous church-like building was shaped like a dome, like one half of a sphere or ball. at the base of the dome, where the dome met the wall, there were what looked like dark gigantic precious stones; I was not sure if these stone like things were shaded windows.

The fantastic building was far off in the distance but it seemed, somehow I could tell, that the diameter of the dome at the top was at least half a mile.

Whenever I gazed at this huge building, I felt in myself the presence of a peace of mind that transcended all human misfortune. It was a peace of mind that would be accessible, no matter what misfortune afflicted me or the world. Hence repeatedly my gaze was drawn to the huge building and my mind repeatedly became absorbed in the special peace of mind that came to me when I looked at it. As I stared at the building, sometimes its walls would change in color from dark, almost black, to a light-brown sand color.

After a while I realized that this huge building, was an architectural representation in stone of my face and my head. The presence of a human face was not obvious, there were no mouth or ears drawn into the walls, but I could somehow tell what the building represented and resembled nevertheless. It represented what my face and head look like in the most recent photo of myself that I placed in the January 13, 2011 entry of my sports log. I could see the same curvature of my face and head seen in the January 13 photo, in the dome like roof of the awesome building. I could see that the huge precious stones that may have been windows, represented my eyes. But I felt no pride, or arrogance, or conceit.

When I was not absorbed in looking at the gigantic magnificent Byzantine-Gothic looking Church, I was interacting with and observing the people around me. I was in an Indian public housing building, that was subsidized by the Indian government. It was not dirty or poor looking; but the rooms were somewhat small. There were colorful carpets on the floor, colorful curtains, colorful wall-hangings. There were many rooms shared in common by the occupants of the building, who were mostly Asian-Indian. Seemed about 25-75 people lived in the building. They were non-violent and law-abiding, but they were always in a bad mood, squabbling with each other; seemed alot of them were from Southern India; I was thinking, that the people in North India are nicer; in the dream it seemed as if Allahabad was a south Indian city.

Attempting to reduce the level of squabbling, I told one of them, that the Muslims, Jews, and Christians are all 'people of the book'.

At one point I encountered a woman who looked somewhat like Vandita, but taller, in a hall. I told her that I was in soccer becoming like a Pele; she scoffed at me.

There were some details in the dream that I don't remember. I woke up and could hear the radio playing and felt as if it had influenced the content of the dream. The people talking in the radio show seemed ill-tempered and quarrelsome like the Indians in the public housing.

@2011 David Virgil Hobbs

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