Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How could the Ghunklump people be so stupid?

There existed, a few millenia ago, a people called the Lunksnarkwads, who existed on the planet Headdoof. Their religion was about how God had sent them to genocidally wipe out the Brunflong peoples and seize their land.

Out of the Lunksnarkwads, there arose a prophet named Bunkercuddlelips. He advocated that the Lunksnarkwads give up their attitude, based in their religion, that they are racially superior to all the other people on the planet Headdoof, and therefore have a right to murder rob, and deceive the people on the planet Headdoof. But the Lunksnarkwads, killed the prophet Bunkercuddlelips, and rejected his religion.

Out of the Lunksnarkwad religion, there arose a cult called the Headmunch Cult. The Headmunch cult advocated: racism, atheism, homosexualism, anti-christianism, elitism, criminalism, and satanism. It was sort of natural that the Headmunch cult should rise out of the Lunksnarkwads, who followed a genocidal religion and rejected Bunkercuddlelips.

Whereas on our planet earth, we have seen many Christian Conquerors, the Headmunch Cult was by nature not only imperialist, but also criminalist satanist etc. The Christian Conquerors conquered by way of wars between their nations and the other nations, thus they could live with Christian doctrine that advocated an ethical lifestyle with regards to persons of one's own nation. However the Lunksnarkwad people, attained to power and prosperity by way of being a powerful minority inside of other nations. Thus the Headmunch Cult that grew out of the Lunksnarkwad people, by nature, rejected ethical conduct with regards to other members of one's nation, because the Lunksnarkwad/Headmunch people, became powerful by way of crimes committed against persons of the nation they resided in who were not ethnically speaking Lunksnarkwads.

The lucrative criminalism of the Lunksnarkwads, directed against fellow-citizens, was incompatible with Christian ethics. But it was compatible with criminalism, atheism, anti-Christianism and Satanism; it was compatible with homosexualism due to the clash between Christianity and homosexuality.

The Lunksnarkwads played a very simple trick on the Ghunklump nation amongst whom the Lunksnarkwads lived as a minority. They secretly sponsored and controlled the Lumpknocks, who violently aggressed against the Lunksnarkwads and the Ghunklump nation. The Lunksnarkwads were able to behave very bravely when they opposed the Lumpknocks, because they secretly sponsored and controlled the Lumpknocks. The Lunksnarkwads impressed the Ghunklump nation by their bravery in the conflict with the Lumpknocks.

Since the Lunksnarkwads secretly controlled the Lumpknocks, the Lunksnarkwads, appeared to be extremely competent, more competent than the Ghunklump nation or anybody else, in the conflict with the the Lumpknocks.

The Lunksnarkwads said to the Ghunklump nation amongst whom they lived: "Now you must give us total power over you and become our slaves. Now you must allow us to commit any crimes we feel like committing, because that is the only way that we and you can be saved from the Lumpknocks".

The Ghunklump nation responded to the Lunksnarkwads: "So be it. You Lunksnarkwads have shown yourselves to be the bravest and the most competent soldiers in the conflict with the Lumpknocks. We agree that we have to allow you Lunksnarkwads to do whatever you feel like, and commit any crimes you want, so that we can be sure to defeat the Lumpknocks".

The Ghunklump nation had followed the teachings of Bunkercuddlelips. His teachings promoted the poor, criticized the rich, and pointed away from racism. The rich elites of the Ghunklump nation, felt that a remedy for this influence of Bunkercuddlelips, was to support the Lunksnarkwads, who rejected and hated Bunkercuddlelips and his teachings. Everyone in the Ghunklump nation was obsessed with selling whatever they wanted to sell, and they felt that the teachings of Bunkercuddlelips interfered with sales by discouraging potential customers from buying the things they were selling.

And so the Lunksnarkwads became the tyrants in the Ghunklump nation, and subjugated the Ghunklump nation. The Lunksnarkwads proceeded to exterminate anybody in the Ghunklump nation who rejected the Racism, Elitism, Anti-Christianism, Criminalism, Homosexualism, and Satanism of the Lunksnarkwads. Then the Lunksnarkwads proceeded to conquer the entire planet Headdoof, and treated the rest of the planet Headdoof the same way the treated Ghunklump.

To this day, the planet Headdoof, is controlled by the Lunksnarkwads, and any opposition to the Lunksnarkwads is summarily crushed.

And to this day, galactic observers are wondering, "How could the Ghunklumps be so stupid?".

@2010 David Virgil Hobbs

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