Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ode to Fox poem by Senator Blather

Instructions: Audio = Music for Ceremonial Occasion Royal Fanfare & National Anthem - YouTube . Read poem from beginning to end while listening to music, start at beginning again if music not finished. Audio does not seem to work well on Chrome Browser.

A Psalm of Billy Jo

Fox Noos is th' gold Fox is God
Ah ado'e thee O Golden Fox
Thou castess mah sins into th' depphs of th' sea
Thar t'be fo'gotten fo'ever!
Thou establisheth mah great kin'dom
Through thy grace mah cup runneth on over
Gladly'd Ah sacrifice mah childrun
All of them both hide an' soul O Fox t'Thee
Through Thee O Golden Fox
We shall tread down our inemies
Fox of Gold, Great Thou Art,
Thy blessin's haf made us rich
Thou hidess th' controvahsies
Th' brin'in' of light t'which,
W'd stren'then th' lef'ist Philistines
To thee is due all hono' an' praise
Fo' thou hast hidden our sins away
Were it not fo' thee hidin' our transgresshuns
Th' liberals would triumph on over us
Fum thee dexcendeth th' blessed igno'ance
By which th' foolish varmints is kepp blind
Regardin' events which were they brought t'light
W'd result in stren'thenin' of th' liberals


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