Saturday, March 07, 2009

Around the block for five miles in eight-two minutes

Saturday March 7 Run

Reminds me of the song I heard when I was a child...'around the world in eighty days...'

Prior to the run footwear-wise I put into effect the recommendations I made to myself after the March 6 run. These were:

"Left foot: increase ball-of-foot & toes-baseline padding from 8 layers to 12; increase toes-area-padding from 16 layers to 20. Continue using the 'pretaping' type m-wrap...Right foot: increase ball-of-foot & toes-baseline padding from 8 layers to 12; continue using 'multipurpose' type m-wrap. Eliminate padding gap under line that separates toes from ball of foot (".

With both left and right shoes: I used completely new fresh m-wrap pads; I engineered the pad for the ball-of-foot/base-of-toes-line and the pad for the toes so that the two pads fit together seamlessly; I used tape not glue so as to avoid layers of m-wrap being hardened by glue; I first taped down a 8 layer pad for the ball-of-foot and base-of-toes and a 16 layer pad for the toes with one piece of tape; then on top of this I taped down a 4 layer pad for the ball-of-foot/base-of-toes-line and a 4 layer pad for the toes area with another piece of tape.

This double-layered approach could be advantageous when it comes to tinkering with padding levels in the future.

Following the orders I gave myself I used the 'pretaping' type m-wrap in the left foot and the 'multipurpose' m-wrap in the right foot.

The thicknesses in terms of layers of m-wrap in pads that are most natural to work with are: 2, 4, 8, 16. This is because I fold the m-wrap repeatedly to create a pad.

When I cut the pad out of the folded m-wrap, I place a piece of card representing the desired cutout pattern on the pad and draw around the edge of the card to draw the pattern on to the pad, and then cut the pad out according to the desired pattern.

When I do this, I position as much of the perimeter of the piece of card as possible to align with the edge of the folded m-wrap that is basically all one piece; this helps to keep the layers of the pad aligned with each other. Thus there is advantage in folding into thicknesses of 2, 4, 8, and 16.

Saturday March 7:

I ran the round the block course again (1st 3rd 5th miles run, 2nd 4th 6th miles walked). Time after 5th mile: same as Friday March 6, 82 minutes at 4:38 PM. Only 50 seconds was subtracted from the time for breaks such as tying shoelaces.

In the left foot: I felt some pain in the left index and middle toes in the first mile. After the first mile I tightened the shoelaces in the left foot, because I felt a looseness in the heel. After the shoelaces were tightened, for the rest of the run I felt some slight tingliness and numbness but not pain. After the first mile I felt the sensory illusion of unevenness under the forefoot.

In the right foot: The foot felt just about perfect the entire six miles. Whatever slight discomfort I felt in the foot, was I estimate simply what someone who has been running for less than half a year would expect doing six miles on concrete-type surfaces.

I developed a slight soreness on the outside of the pinkie toe on the right foot prior to the run. I estimate this was because I attempted to go to sleep wearing the running shoes as I thought such might stretch the shoes to the proper extent or naturally acclimatize my feet to the shoes. I wore the shoes for a few hours as I lay in bed but I could not get to sleep while wearing them. Thus I woke up late in a sleep-deprived state.

My advice to myself for the next run:

Left foot: increase padding in heel area from 16 layers to 24 layers; loosen shoelaces.

Right foot: no change in footwear, be careful re soreness on outside front area of pinkie toe.

The footwear during the run was:

Left shoe:

foam/gel heel-to-toe insole +
'toe bed' (forefoot gel pad for ball of foot and toes) +
12 layers m-wrap pad under ball-of-foot & line between toes & ball of foot +
20 layers m-wrap pad attached to toe area of gel forefoot pad beneath big, index and middle toes +
16 layers m-wrap pad around sides and rear of heel
Adhesives: tape, not glue.
'Pretaping' type m-wrap used.

Right shoe:

foam/gel heel-to-toe insole +
'toe bed' (forefoot gel pad for ball of foot and toes) +
12-layers m-wrap pad under ball-of-foot & line between toes and ball of foot +
20 layers m-wrap pad attached to toe area of gel forefoot pad beneath big, index and middle toes +
16 layers m-wrap pad around sides and rear of heel
'Multipurpose' type m-wrap used.

During the run, as I ran up Exchange Street, this tall heavy clean-shaven East Asian type man wearing glasses with thick dark frames saw me, and said in a loud tone of voice, 'he's handsome!'. He was walking with some people in the direction of the big local restaurant called 'the Chateau' ( ). Maybe he was white not East Asian but his skin was white.

Yesterday during the run a couple of 'Latino' teenagers were backing out of a driveway blocking my path as I ran down the sidewalk towards their car. I stopped and patiently waited for them to pull out. They insisted that they should freeze giving me the opportunity to run around behind them. Seemed they desired to express themselves as respectfully courteous. Looking into the driver's face, he seemed to gaze at me with admiration, as if he knew that I would be able to get in shape and become a star.

I hear alot about crimes committed by various types of immigrants. In contrast to such are the Hispanics or 'Latinos' living in the neighborhood now who were not here ten or fiftenn years ago. They all seem like good folks who just want to live law-abiding lives in peace with other ethnic groups.

I'm famous around here for my 'Pele'-like soccer tricks, sprinting 20 yards full speed keeping the ball off the ground but close to the body using alternating left and right feet. To a lesser extent I am infamous for my lack of endurance.

The round-the-block neighborhood is much more lively on weekdays compared to Saturdays.

Whatever the day, today as most other days there was the problem of lots of cars and the fumes they emit. I got whiffs of a few different types of car-type-fumes during the run,. This problem is better late at night and early in the morning.

The weather today was 55-60 degrees during the run ( ). A long-sleeved sportshirt, a sleeveless t-shirt, the visibility vest, sweatpants and shorts were warm enough, maybe too warm; not wearing the sweatshirt was a good idea.

I estimate that a product that should be easy to find but is not is: a cool, lightweight vest built basically for the pockets it has that joggers can put things in.

Keys etc are a heavy weight for the thighs as they move while running when placed in pockets in pants. The pockets in the pants are shallow and you always feel as if what you have placed in them could slip out with disastrous results.

Strange that the visibility vest I bought at the Running Shoes store, Marathon Sports in Cambridge MA ( ), does not have any pockets for keys and stuff in it.

A so-called 'hip bag', a small bag attached to a belt is a possibility but such could result in physical problems for a jogger.

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