Friday, March 27, 2009

75 minute 5-mile run in rain, March 26, using long paces style

Thursday March 26:

I left the footwear as it was during the previous run March 25 and March 24. Footwear advice I gave to myself after the previous run ( ).

Results foot-comfort wise:

Left foot/leg: some relatively mild pain in arch of foot 2nd half of 2nd mile; some relatively mild pain in right lower front outside leg muscle, in last quarter of 4th mile (walked mile)

Right foot/leg: some relatively mild pain in arch of foot 2nd half of 2nd mile;

Yet again the pattern wherein if the footwear is left the same as it was the previous run, there is significant improvement in terms of pain in arch of foot and lower leg.

Thursday March 26:

I ran the round the block course again (1st 3rd 5th miles run, 2nd 4th 6th miles walked). Style used: E, long-paces, stopping to record split-times

Time after 5th mile: 75:00 (111:02 - 36:02 subtracted for break-times = 75:00).

Pauses were due to: having to retreat indoors to change clothing due to rain & lack of preparedness for rain; recording split-times in car due to rain; tying shoes (on last mile, shoelaces in left foot came completely undone twice); taking notes re pains, clothes, rain etc.

For the entire 5 miles, I used the following chant (chanted in my mind not with my mouth/tongue):

'Long are our strides as we streamline the sky
Far is our distance per unit of time
Lord of Roads of Magnificence am I
Lord of Roads of Painlessness am I'

No walk/stretch before run.

Mile split times recorded: March 26 style E (long paces pauses to rec split times), March 22 style B (long paces no pauses to rec split times),

1st, run: 16:00, 15:15
2nd, walked: 13:41 mild pain, 13:22 IN PAIN
3rd, run: 16:02, 15:05
4th, walked: 14:05, 13:40 pain
5th, run: 15:12, 14:54

Footwear in Left shoe:

8 m-wrap layers pad under heel +
lightweight removable sole that came with shoe +
foam/gel heel-to-toe insole +
16 layers m-wrap pad under big toe +
'toe bed' (forefoot gel pad for ball of foot and toes) +
16 layers m-wrap under ball of foot +
12 layers m-wrap pad under ball-of-foot & line between toes & ball of foot +
20 layers m-wrap pad attached to toe area of gel forefoot pad beneath big, index and middle toes +
8 layers m-wrap pad under middle & index toes +
40 layers m-wrap pad around sides and rear of heel
Adhesives: tape, not glue.
'Pretaping' type m-wrap used.
SHOELACES: medium tight on top shoelace, loose on other shoelaces

Footwear in Right shoe:

8 m-wrap layers pad under heel +
Lightweight removable sole that came with shoe +
foam/gel heel-to-toe insole +
'toe bed' (forefoot gel pad for ball of foot and toes) +
16 layers m-wrap under ball of foot +
8 layers m-wrap pad under big toe +
12-layers m-wrap pad under ball-of-foot & line between toes and ball of foot +
20 layers m-wrap pad attached to toe area of gel forefoot pad beneath big, index and middle toes +
16 layers m-wrap pad around sides and rear of heel
'Multipurpose' type m-wrap used.
SHOELACES: tight on top shoelaces, loose on others

The temp was on average 40 degrees with wind at avg 1 mph, rain at avg 0.1 inches per hour during the run (5th mile completed at 1:06 AM 3/27):
( )

'Twas a night-time run.

Started wearing brown waist length spring/fall-weather-type jacket, long sleeved shirt made of t-shirt type material, t-shirt, sleeveless t-shirt, visibility vest, sweatpants, shorts, underwear, gloves, wool winter-type hat, in light rain conditions.

This was too warm and inappropriate for rain conditions. After the first mile I returned indoors. I removed the long-sleeved shirt made of t-shirt type material, the sleeveless t-shirt, the wool hat. I put on a baseball hat. I took off the gloves. I found a towel and my car key and took them outdoors. Rest of the run I took the notes between miles in the car, kept pens note-card discarded clothes etc in the car.

I ran/walked miles 2 to 5 wearing only the brown fall/spring-type-jacket, a t-shirt, baseball cap, visibility vest, sweatpants, shorts, underpants. This was about right for the 0.10 inches-per-hour rainfall rate in the 40 degrees 1 mph wind in the night-time; except, in the 5th mile my hands felt cold. I skipped the walked sixth mile because of the rain.

Advice to myself for the next run fotwear-wise: Same as that listed previous run ( )

In accordance with the rotation entered into the blog-record March 15 ( ), run using style "F Double-emphasis on long-length-paces AND paces-per-minute, no pauses to note split times".

Chant to use:

'Maxed/long are our strides as we streamline the sky,
Many are our steps per unit of time,
(NEW LINE) the greatness of our speed is famed in rhyme
Lord of roads of magnificence am I
Lord of roads of painlessness am I'

The new line in the chant is based on the realization that the chants for the other styles of running contain lines asserting a high speed, whereas the chant for this style of running up till now has not contained this line.

Running tactics/strategy

The performance was my biggest step backwards in a long time.

Compared to March 22 run in a similar style, March 26 in the rain was 4% slower. This tells me that a run in the rain is a good workout even if it is slower than a run in dry conditions. Similarly a run in pain produces a workout only about 5% slower than a normal workout. Rain rhymes with pain.

Reminds me of a rhyme my mom taught me when I was a child, when the rain would pour down on our little bungalow:

Rain, rain, go to spain
come again another day

Those were carefree days featuring long relaxing rains and an OK relationship with a mother, days I'd get sentimental about if given to sentimentalism. I modify the rhyme into a new one:

Rain, rain and pain, pain
Can't wreck my running day

Possible culprits for the slow speed: rainfall, water-logged baseball hat, water-logged brown jacket, limeade I drank before starting; drinking less coffee than usual before starting; not eating before starting; length of pace becoming so long as to slow down speed.

The brown-jacket is much heavier than: sweatshirts, & the long-sleeved shirt made of t-shirt type material. It has two layers an insulation layer and an outer layer, I expected it to do a better job than sweatshirts of keeping out the rain and it did.

The rain sort of put me to sleep (I find rain to be relaxing).

I have never consumed my home-made limeade ( ) prior to running up till today when I had 20 oz before starting the run. Before the run I had an unusual version: 4 small organic limes; the fruit of the lime cut out & put in the blender (the limes created little juice), 5 magnesium pills (magnesium emphasis this time), 6 potassium pills, 4 coral calcium pills. This limeade was bitter tasting, too bitter tasting for my taste. The little pieces of the lime's outer skin, and the little pieces of the white connective tissue inside the lime, produce a bitter taste.

Prior to this I tried a calcium emphasis limeade: 40 oz water, 3 'normal' limes, 8 coral calcium pills, 3 magnesium pills, 6 potassium pills. When I first drank this limeade, I had a nightmare when I fell asleep after drinking it. But after a day or two in the frig, this limeade tasted great.

The first version of the limeade was: 40 oz water, 3 'normal' limes, 6 coral calcium pills, 3 magnesium pills. After I drank this limeade, I had a pleasant dream, opposite of a nightmare.

@2009 David Virgil Hobbs

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