Big Funeral AME Medodist Charleston June 2015
By Buddin' Negro Supuh'star Poet
Takin' pleasho' in puh'fectin' deir selves, and in bein' virtuous,
And in polishin' de deatrical producshun dat wuz deir Church Service
To some professional Broadway level uh competence
Dey knowed dat real-virtue consists uh one takin' pleasho' in bein' virtuous
We associate fame wid excellence, we fancy our famous-selves betta'
Dan de heavenly churches nobody eva' heard uh
AME finds it easy t'recon' demselves bein' fo'given and snatchd t'heaven,
While mah' mind reminds me dat if Ah' wuz tortured I'd apostasize
Ah could see AME's genetic and spiritual roots--
Its de Christian English knights uh Kin' Charles & Carolina,
Whut spo'ts-star equals dose knights uh old?
I saw-- through deir service, dey wuz honorin' deir physical and cultural ancesto's,
De English Knights uh Carolina uh dree hundred years ago,
Who Ah' could see in deir bodies & faces & voices & mannerisms,
A line uh hono' runnin' drough de past generashuns Daddy to Daddy,
Physically all de way back t'Christian Kings, and spiritually back t'great men,
Who accomplished whut most who attempt such doodads fail in,
De forgin' uh a strong relashunship between some sucka's and deir God
AME Medodist, Charleston dude, dig dis:
You's looked into de TV 'n said, 'dats where dykes belong', as if ya' knowed me.
Dude, I'm sexy, dey're on de-inside at least half-hetero. 'S coo', bro.
AME Charleston Dude Rappin' t'me drough de TV, dig dis:
You's is such some fan uh mine
Ya' know about da damn letta' I sent t'Boston churches not t'ya'
I's gots'ta be so's baaaad dat da damn sheriff chasin' de escapees
Eyeballed mah' latest blog-post befo'e ya' dun did
While Ah' wuz fo' hours watchin' de Charleston AME Medodist service Ah' felt bo'ed.
But 4 hours afterwards Ah' felt da damn services had been real powerful
Afta' de services Ah' could feel
How such Church services Helped da damn blacks 'n den me,
T'enta' into some transcendental state uh mind
Afta' de services Ah' felt deeply deprived due t'de fact
Dat dere's nodin' likes Charleston AME Medodist roun' Boston
Takin' pleasho' in puh'fectin' deir selves, and in bein' virtuous,
And in polishin' de deatrical producshun dat wuz deir Church Service
To some professional Broadway level uh competence
Dey knowed dat real-virtue consists uh one takin' pleasho' in bein' virtuous
We associate fame wid excellence, we fancy our famous-selves betta'
Dan de heavenly churches nobody eva' heard uh
AME finds it easy t'recon' demselves bein' fo'given and snatchd t'heaven,
While mah' mind reminds me dat if Ah' wuz tortured I'd apostasize
Ah could see AME's genetic and spiritual roots--
Its de Christian English knights uh Kin' Charles & Carolina,
Whut spo'ts-star equals dose knights uh old?
I saw-- through deir service, dey wuz honorin' deir physical and cultural ancesto's,
De English Knights uh Carolina uh dree hundred years ago,
Who Ah' could see in deir bodies & faces & voices & mannerisms,
A line uh hono' runnin' drough de past generashuns Daddy to Daddy,
Physically all de way back t'Christian Kings, and spiritually back t'great men,
Who accomplished whut most who attempt such doodads fail in,
De forgin' uh a strong relashunship between some sucka's and deir God
AME Medodist, Charleston dude, dig dis:
You's looked into de TV 'n said, 'dats where dykes belong', as if ya' knowed me.
Dude, I'm sexy, dey're on de-inside at least half-hetero. 'S coo', bro.
AME Charleston Dude Rappin' t'me drough de TV, dig dis:
You's is such some fan uh mine
Ya' know about da damn letta' I sent t'Boston churches not t'ya'
I's gots'ta be so's baaaad dat da damn sheriff chasin' de escapees
Eyeballed mah' latest blog-post befo'e ya' dun did
While Ah' wuz fo' hours watchin' de Charleston AME Medodist service Ah' felt bo'ed.
But 4 hours afterwards Ah' felt da damn services had been real powerful
Afta' de services Ah' could feel
How such Church services Helped da damn blacks 'n den me,
T'enta' into some transcendental state uh mind
Afta' de services Ah' felt deeply deprived due t'de fact
Dat dere's nodin' likes Charleston AME Medodist roun' Boston
Poem text: Wds 346; avg sentence length 8.9 wds. Dale-Chall Readability Score 13.7 (highest I've ever seen, due to dialect-effect). Easily understood by those of at least college-graduate level in reading ability. Search based on top 10 keywords: charleston damn services service knights selves virtuous church dude star - Google Search Jan 1, 1600 - Jun 16, 2015 - (290 web-results, 44 book-results, 8 news-results).).
Labels: blacks, Charleston, poetry
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