Thursday, January 04, 2007

Even if National Security survives National Economic Demise, You have Potential Problems

If a weak US free-trade economy based on impermanent sources such as borrowed money and cash on hand through the sale of assets is a national security problem, because it results in a lack of resources for defenses, then you have a national security problem.

If on the other hand you say that the (often eccentric, un-Christian, foreign invested-and-oriented) elites and foreigners have enough trillions stashed away in secret accounts to keep the US national defenses strong even after the economy has collapsed, then you have to ask yourself, who in the nation will be secure if the only money in the nation is found amongst such elites and foreigners? How can you expect foreign elites to take a hearty interest in the national security of the nation?

Where is the national security, when while "the nation" remains unconquered, the people of quality in the nation lose their security and are enslaved or worse?

Seems it has almost become a hallowed tradition in the USA, to betray the race, betray the faith, and betray the nation. When are the "patriotic" men who enthuse like cheerleaders over the current direction of the nation, going to develop an intellectual link between the economy, and the state of their race, their Church, and their nation?

Sure there is plenty of evil to be found amongst the American people. But if 55% of the American people are evil, does that mean the remaining 45% are of no value to the nation and to the world?

Have the "patriotic" leaders who enthuse over the current direction of the nation lost their faith in the idea that economic strength in the USA is a force for good in the world? Have they concluded that the white race, is merely a source of evil on planet earth? Have they decided Christianity is just some kind of pollution?

What we read in the scriptures, is that those who are "heartless", those who "lack natural affection", and "the treacherous" are sinners. Sinners mostly sin against those of their own race, their own faith, their own nation. Likewise the treacherous damage their own race, faith, and nation. Thus the treacherous and the sinners are national allies. All nations contain both evil and good. The scriptures, written to citizens of the ancient Roman empire, did not say, go ahead, betray the empire, look at how evil it is!

Even Hindus in far-off India can see how the USA's strength as a nation involves more than tax cuts, military aggression, contempt for persons who are not rich, and the consumption of cheap imports, how in fact such things can weaken the USA (,0093.htm). But all the chest-thumping, Bible thumping American "patriots" can conceptualize, is that the USA is somehow magically strengthened by tax cuts, cheap imports, military aggression, and contempt for persons who are not wealthy.

If a nation is not able to understand what makes it strong, and what makes it weak, how will it be able to understand that which a nation needs to understand in order to be strong, which is, what makes foreign nations strong, and what makes foreign nations weak?

@2006 David Virgil Hobbs


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